
yù zhì bǎn
  • Precast slab;prefabricated boards/panels
  1. 那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。

    The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane .

  2. 方法硅胶60预制板(Merck);

    Methods Silica gel 60 precoated plate ( Merck ) was used .

  3. 密集烤房对TSNA含量的影响最大,水泥预制板平板式换热器烤房影响较小。

    The bulk curing barn had biggest effect on the TSNA content , while cement slab surface plate type barn had little effect .

  4. 分析现浇板和传统预制板的特点和弱点,提出发展SP板和SP叠合板是住宅实现大开间、灵活隔断的有效途径之一,也是建筑施工实现现代化的重要内容之一。

    The characteristic and weakness of both traditional precast and cast in site floor are studied , the way to develop both sp precast slab and sp laminated slab is provided to meet the needs of residential building for large and nimble separated .

  5. 也许这是因为这个预制板房屋建造企业生意做得不好罢。

    Perhaps this was because the prefab-housing business was not doing well .

  6. 钢-混凝土预制板组合梁试验研究

    Experimental study on composite steel - precast concrete panel beam

  7. 渠道防渗混凝土蒸养预制板生产过程质量控制要点

    Quality Control of Precast Concrete Slab by Atmospheric Steam Curing

  8. 大型体育场预制板看台的制作与防水技术

    Fabrication of St and for Large Sport Stadium and its Waterproof Technology

  9. 预制板开孔的粘贴碳纤维加固

    The application of bonding carbon fiber in opening reinforcement of precast plate

  10. 这是由一大型混凝土预制板制成的。

    It was made of a large precast concrete panel .

  11. 公路桥梁工程预制板(梁)的质量问题与处治

    Quality Problems in Prefabricate Board in Highway and Bridge Engineering and Its Prevention

  12. 一起预制板脆性断裂事件的原因及预防

    Reason of a brittleness break incident of prefabricated plate

  13. 三块预制板把我压在底下,使我不得动弹。

    I was crushed under three big concrete plank and could not move .

  14. 预制板楼面开裂的原因及预防措施

    Causation and preventing measure of prefabricating board cracking

  15. 关于消除公路桥预制板(梁)支座脱空问题的探讨

    Discussing on banish disengage of bridge prefabricate plate

  16. 后张预应力砼预制板梁施工关键环节控制

    Control of the Key Links in the Construction of Post-tensioned Prestressed Precast Concrete Beams

  17. 在大量试验基础上,对预制板混凝土配合比进行研究。

    Based on many tests , we studied mixture ratio of watercourse precast concrete board .

  18. 对于地下室外墙沉降后浇带,则采用安装预制板的方法。

    And precast slabs are installed for settlement late poured bands of basement exterior walls .

  19. 几个房间是用薄预制板分隔开来的。

    The rooms have been divided off by means of thin pre - fabricated sheets .

  20. 全预制板拼装高层住宅初探

    Preliminary exploration on building high multi storey dwelling house assembled entirely by precast plate members

  21. 预制板楼层施工中应注意的问题

    Problems In The Construction Of Precast Floorslab

  22. 粘钢加固钢筋混凝土预制板的设计与应用

    Design and Practice Application on the Reinforced Concrete Precast Slabs Strengthened by Sticking Steel Plate

  23. 预制板楼面沿板缝产生裂缝的原因及防治措施

    Cracks in Precast Slab Floor along the Seams : Causes of Their Occurrence and Measures to Prevent and Treat Them

  24. 叠合板式剪力墙中,预制板与核心混凝土部分能够较好地共同工作。

    Meanwhile , in the superposition beat shearing force wall , the precast block and the core concrete part can work cooperatively .

  25. 同一方向铺设表层(黑橡胶粒预制板)。板间为材料的胀缩留下缝隙。

    Install top layer ( Pre-fabricated black rubber shred roll sheet ) in one direction . Gaps between roll sheets can allow material expansion .

  26. 砖混住宅中预制板与叠合板的联合应用后张法无黏结预应力空心楼板的应用

    Prefabricated Sheet United with Merged Sheet are used in Brick and Concrete Residence Building ; The Application of the Post-tensioned Binder-free Prestressed Hollow Floor-plate

  27. 针对目前楼板出现裂缝严重的情况,找出现浇板及预制板出现裂缝的原因,并提出防治措施。

    Directing to the serious situation in floor crack , find the reasons of appearing cast-in-situs crack and precast board crack , and put forward prevention-cure measures .

  28. 连续板桥具有节约材料、自重轻、伸缩缝少、节约投资等优点,介绍在原平&太原高速公路牧马河大桥连续板桥桥梁上部结构中,预制板制做、临时支座的选定及体系转换的工艺。

    The paper introduced how to make precast slab , choose temporary bearing and technology of system change in the superstructure of Mu Mahe continuous slab bridge of Yuanping to Taiyuan freeway .

  29. 超大面积双曲拱球形屋面结构层喷射混凝土和预制板迭合法施工河北省科技馆单层球面网壳结构的抗震分析与设计

    Combined Construction of Shotcrete And Precast Slab For Extra-Large Spherical dome With Double Curvature Arch SEISMIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SINGLE LAYER SPHERICAL DOME FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL GALLERY IN HEBEI PROVINCE

  30. 在理论分析的基础上,对粘钢加固钢筋混凝土预制板设计方法进行了探讨,提出了外粘钢板的用量计算公式。

    Based on the theoretical analysis , the design method of reinforced concrete precast slabs strengthened by sticking steel plate is discussed , and the calculated formula of steel-bonded consumption is presented .