
  • 网络Face to face negotiation;Face-to-face bargaining
  1. 一年前,FNL领袖鲁瓦萨在与之前的胡图族总统多米蒂安·恩达伊泽耶在坦桑尼亚面对面谈判之后第一次签署停战协议。

    The FNL leader , Agathon Rwasa , signed the first truce a year ago after face to face talks in Tanzania with the then Hutu president Domitien Ndayizeye .

  2. 谈及第一次世界大战期间美国与欧洲面对面谈判的立场,2001年10月16日。

    - On the US negotiating position vis-a-vis Europe during World War I , 16 October 2001 .

  3. 明天,联合国斡旋代表将与双方谈判代表分别会面,以决定周五是否能举行面对面谈判。

    UN mediator will meet with the opposing negotiator separately tomorrow to see face-to-face talks can be held on Friday .

  4. 此前,美方一直表示,在伊朗终止其铀浓缩核项目之前,不会与其面对面地谈判。

    Until now , Washington had refused to meet face-to-face with Iran on the nuclear issue , unless it first stopped its uranium enrichment program .

  5. 凡谈生意最好是面谈,因为阿根廷的电话服务有时不尽如人意,而且阿根廷人愿意面对面地谈判。

    Interview may be the best way to do business , because telephone service is not so good in Argentina , and people prefer to have a face-to-face talk with his associate .

  6. 工会领导和资方小组面对面地坐在谈判桌边,双方都不愿作出让步。

    The union bosses and the management team were eyeball to eyeball across the negotiation table , with neither side willing to make any concessions .