
miàn kuān
  • face width
面宽[miàn kuān]
  1. 面高与面宽均小,面高尤甚,75%以上的受检者属阔或超阔面型;

    Their face height and face width are small , especially the former , and over 75 % of those examined are of wide or super wide face form .

  2. 结果表明,其可一次性完成对多种HPV亚型感染的检测,检测覆盖面宽,漏检率低,对CA的诊断确有较好的应用价值。

    The results showed that the common primer can detect the infection of various HPV subtypes of condyloma acuminatum in one session , with wide coverage and low missed-detection rate . Moreover , it is of good practical value in the diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum .

  3. 商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间与容积率

    Depth , width , span and floor area ratio of commodity houses

  4. 范围宽,即练习的知识面宽,学生参与面宽;

    " Broad Range " refers to wide knowledge and the most students in practising .

  5. 独塔单索面宽斜拉桥空间动力行为研究

    Dynamic Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridge with Single Tower , Single Cable and Wide Bridge Deck

  6. 结果证明该方法能有效校准小阵面宽角扫描相控阵天线。

    The results testify that the method is valid for small PPA in wide scanning angle .

  7. 但这并不意味着,所有结合面宽的语素一定都会最终变为词缀。

    But it is not meaning that all the morpheme with wide-combination is certain to be affix .

  8. 最后举例证实了该方法模型易于构造、适用面宽、通用性好、推理效率高。

    Finally , an example proves that the modeling is easy and the methodology has high efficiency .

  9. 但对于数量大、涉及面宽的数据,传统统计方法无法完成这类数据的分析。

    But it is hard to analyze the mass and wide reference data with the anciently state method .

  10. 胎面宽和胎冠弧度半径应尽量与新胎尺寸一致;

    The mold tread width and the crown curvature radius should be the same as those of new tire ;

  11. 课程建设的措施有:调整专业结构,拓宽专业口径,培养专业面宽、适应性强的专门人才。

    Specialist with widely specialized subjects and strong adaptability is cultivated by adjusting professional structure and broaden their knowledge aspects .

  12. 也就是说,结果可能有部分语素因为结合面宽,因为形式上的泛化引起语义虚化,最后演化为词缀;

    That is to say , maybe some of the morphemes result in the wide-combination and functional marker from overabundance ;

  13. 棂星门是孔庙特有的一种建筑形式,通常面宽大至七开间,并采取歇山重檐屋顶。

    Confucius Temple Lingxing-door is a unique architectural style , often voluminous large seven-bay , and take Xieshan roof eaves .

  14. 该实验设计具有覆盖面宽、成功率高、工作量小等特点。

    The said design has many advantages , such as larger coverage , higher rate of success and lighter workload .

  15. 上海在人才、技术和管理方面都有明显的优势,辐射面宽。

    It enjoys obvious advantages in skilled people , technology and management and can have an impact over a wide area .

  16. 毕业生素质高,工作能力强,就业面宽,深受社会各界的好评。

    Processing perfect quality , strong working ability and wide adaptability , the graduate students are well accepted around the society .

  17. 进行学科素质教育,培养基础扎实、知识面宽、科学素质高的创新人才;

    Carry out scientific education , for training creative persons with sturdy foundation , wide range of knowledge and high scientific quality ;

  18. 钢琴伴奏艺术实践性强、涵盖面宽、应用广泛,具有广阔的思维空间和复杂的操作空间。

    Piano Accompaniment practical strength , coverage , voluminous , widely used and has a wide space of thinking and complex maneuver .

  19. 大分子纳米粒具有选材面宽、制备方法多和稳定性好的特点,是目前纳米药物载体中常见的一种类型。

    Featured with plentiful matrices for choosing , multiple methods for preparing and good stability , macromolecular nanoparticles are generally used nanocarriers .

  20. 实践表明:该系统具有自动化程度高、抗干扰能力强、探伤准确率高、系统稳定可靠及适用面宽等特点。

    It is noted for high automation grade , good anti-jamming ability , high inspection nicety ratio , credibility stabilization , applicability wide .

  21. 本文从商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间等方面着手,通过数学模型来探讨商品住宅的住宅容积率与居住品质问题。

    Through analysis on depth , width and span the author discusses floor area ratio and living quality by means of mathematical model .

  22. 提出了高校学生党建工作要面宽、点细的观点,并把它运用于实践,取得了比较显著的成绩。

    College Students Party proposed work to wide , thin point of view , and put it into practice to achieve more significant results .

  23. 2001年成高地理试卷的突出特点:(1)试题覆盖面宽、知识点多;

    The 2001 Entrance Examination Paper on Geography for Adult Higher Education is typically characterized by ( 1 ) a wide coverage of knowledge points ;

  24. 合理面宽与跃层住宅&节能省地型砌体结构高品质住宅设计浅析

    Residence with Reasonable Area and Width and Double-Storey & Brief Analysis of the Design of " Cost and Land Saving " Quality Residence with Masonry Structure

  25. 结构强度与环境工程是综合性强、涉及面宽的多学科的专业技术,是运载火箭研制中的重要组成部分。

    Structural strength and environmental engineering involves multi type of sciences and technologies , and it is an important part of missile and space vehicle development .

  26. 文中的算例结果表明,混合算法与单纯的共轭梯度法或最速下降法相比,具有收敛速度快、收敛范围大、适应面宽等特点。

    Compared with the conjugate method or the steepest descent method , the method has features with quick convergence rate , large convergence range and wide accommodation .

  27. 钢铁材料因其综合性能好,适应面宽,品种规格多,价格低廉且稳定,仍将是今后最重要的原材料。

    Iron and steel should still be the most important raw material as it has good comprehensive properties and adaptability to various application with cheaper and stable price .

  28. 他聪明,勤奋,知识面宽,经验丰富,有成为顶尖学者的巨大潜力,对此我很有信心。

    I am confident that with his intelligence , diligence , and extensive knowledge and experience , he has great potential for developing into a very fine scholar .

  29. 21世纪人类步入知识经济时代,对人才的需求不仅知识面宽,技能强,而且要素质高,有一定专长,具有创新精神和创造能力。

    The 21st century is a knowledge_based economic era , which demands of the persons with high quality and creative ability as well as broad knowledge and special techniques .

  30. 卷绕真空镀膜设备在工业领域有着十分广泛的用途,需求市场越来越大,用户覆盖面宽。

    With the development of vacuum roll coating equipment , it is more widely used in industrial areas , acquires increasing share of markets , and covers plenty of users .