
  1. 非营利组织的管理创新向非营利组织学到什么?

    What Can Managers Learn from Non-profits ?

  2. 非营利组织的管理创新

    Management innovation of nonprofit organizations

  3. 在此基础上,本文建构了一种合法性冲突的分析框架,并以此来研究非营利组织的管理问题。

    This article has constructed a conceptual framework of legitimacy conflict in which we have studied the topic of NPO management .

  4. 上述特征使得非营利组织的管理原则与管理方法与政府组织及企业组织不尽相同。因而,有必要从理论上探讨非营利组织的管理问题。

    The above - mentioned characteristics make the management principles and managing methods of NPOs different from those of enterprises ' and governments ' .

  5. 西方非营利组织的管理者很早就开始使用会计制度、人事管理、战略计划等管理和控制方法,营销是最后一个被采纳的职能。

    The nonprofit management in the west has early begun using accountant system , human resource management and strategy planning as a set of operation and control method .

  6. 最后论述我国对环保非营利组织的管理的双重管理体制和分级管理原则与非竞争性原则,并对有关非政府组织的立法现状进行分析。

    At last , the double-level administrative management system of non-profit organization in China , and the principal of non-competitive , the principal of the management by different grade are expounded .

  7. 围绕着这些服务,我们对知识社会中对企业、政府和非营利组织的管理都提出了相应的新的要求,以期充分考虑到不同类型组织的具体情况,努力实践服务型领导。

    Through these services , we bring forward new corresponding requests to enterprise , the government and administration of nonprofit organization in knowledge society . We should take concrete conditions of different organizations into account sufficiently and effort practice servant leadership .

  8. 应对非营利性组织失灵的对策有:建立信息披露制度和相应的惩戒制度、完善非营利组织的管理体制、形成以政府为主导的多元化筹资体系、完善自律与他律相结合的道德约束机制。

    The countermeasure settle of non-profit organizations failures include : to establishment information publish system and the corresponding punishment system , perfect the organization management system , forms the multiplication finances mechanism leading by government , forms the moral restraint mechanism which the autonomy and the heteronomy unifies .

  9. 浅论非营利组织的双重管理体制

    Primary Exploration on Double Management System of Nonprofit Organization

  10. 非营利组织的糟糕管理,会伤害它们本应帮助的人群,也势必令它们的众多支持者沮丧。

    Poor stewardship hurts the people non-profit organisations help . It is also bound to depress their many supporters .

  11. 第九部分提出非营利组织的预算管理问题,会计和预算是一个体系的两个侧面,应当相互解释。

    Part 9 provides budget management in NPO . Accounting and budget should be two side of the same system and explain each other .

  12. 文章从我国政府的政策和法规支持、公民文化的培育以及非营利组织自身的管理三个方面探讨了我国志愿者的激励机制。

    The paper discusses the incentive mechanism of volunteers in china , from three aspects : policy and regulations supporting of the government , the cultivation of citizen culture and the management of the NPO .

  13. 在2008年北京奥运会的契机下,应该大力发展体育志愿者等方面的群众体育人力资源,走非营利组织形式的管理模式,将我国体育志愿者的培养纳入制度化和专业化体系。

    The author makes conclusions : As the Beijing Olympic Game in 2008 will come , it should enlarge the resources of mass sports that include sports-volunteers , and use the model of no-profit organizations management .

  14. 在基本途径方面完善税务部门对非营利组织信息公开的管理;

    In the field of fundamental approach , we should perfect taxation management to information-open of nonprofit organizations .

  15. 总之,营销作为一套完整的知识与技巧是非营利组织必须具备的管理理念。

    Above all , as a set of knowledge and skill , marketing should be an important value and conception in npo developing .

  16. 从非营利组织的界定和主要管理特点入手,结合高校独立学院性质及管理误区,分析了规范其管理的必要性及其策略。

    Combining the nature and management mistakes of independent college , the paper introduces the definition of non-profit organization and its major management characteristics , , and analyses the necessity of normalizing the management and the strategies .

  17. 文章通过对非营利组织财务问题的研究,认为非营利组织的财务管理应该是基于健全财务观的。

    Based on the study of their financial problems , this article holds that financial management in nonprofit organizations should be based on complete financial concept .

  18. 我国非营利组织要走出困境,需要非营利组织、政府和社会的共同努力。本文试图探讨非营利组织的管理模式和绩效评价问题,这对促进非营利组织的快速发展有一定的现实意义。

    The joint efforts of non-profit organization , government and society are needed to help non-profit organization get out of difficult position . This paper attempts to explore management model and performance evaluation for non-profit organization .