
  • 网络part time;Part-time
  1. 他作为一名非全日制学生注册。

    He is enrolled as a part time student .

  2. 开设了非全日制的英语班。另外,学生可以修读文字处理和计算机课程。

    Part-time English classes are offered . In addition , students can take classes in word-processing and computing

  3. 该课程全日制学习一年,非全日制学习两年。

    The course is 1 year FT , 2 years PT .

  4. 英国高等教育统计局将其归功于非全日制学生数量的增多,2015-2016学年和2016-2017学年攻读创意艺术与设计专业的学生增加了19%。

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency attributes this popularity to the increase in part-time students , among which there was a 19 % increase in students studying Creative Arts & Design between 2015 / 16 and 2016 / 17 .

  5. 不过,在为多伦多地区金融业人士提供非全日制金融学硕士课程的多伦多大学(universityoftoronto)罗特曼管理学院(rotmanschoolofmanagement),教授们发现自己正在第一线教学。

    But at the Rotman School of management at the University of Toronto , which runs a part-time masters of Finance programme for those working in the finance industry in the Toronto area , professors find they are teaching at the sharp end .

  6. 其他选手则早在12岁就进入了非全日制或函授课程,以便更多地专注于打网球,其中包括费德勒(RogerFederer)这样从青少年组比赛开始的选手。

    Other players , including those who begin on the junior circuit like Roger Federer , enter a part-time or correspondence program as early as the age of 12 to allow greater focus on tennis .

  7. 我国非全日制研究生教育的完善

    On the Perfection of Non-full-time Postgraduate Education in China

  8. 三分之一的学生表示他们会采取非全日制的形式入学。

    A third said they would enrol in university on a part-time basis .

  9. 我想找份非全日制的工作。

    I 'm in need of a part-time job .

  10. 非全日制用工双方当事人不得约定试用期。

    No probation period may be stipulated for non-full-time labor by both parties .

  11. 高等教育采用全日制和非全日制教育形式。

    Higher education adopts the educational forms of full-time system and non-full-time system .

  12. 本文本不适用非全日制用工使用。

    The contract is not suitable for non-full-time employment .

  13. 非全日制高等学历教育的修业年限应当适当延长。

    The length of schooling for non-full-time higher curricula education should be adequately extended .

  14. 边工作边随时开始非全日制学习。

    Part - time beginning anytime while working .

  15. 努力改进非全日制在职人员申请学位工作浅谈规范发展非全日制研究生教育

    Improving the Mechanisms for Granting Degrees to Working Professionals On standardization of part-time postgraduate education

  16. 非全日制研究生培养质量保证刍议中医药非全日制研究生教育体系的构建与发展

    Establishment and Development of the Educational System for Part-time Graduate Students in Chinese Medicine Education

  17. 希望本文能够对非全日制就业的发展提供微薄的力量。

    The prospect of this paper is to make modest in the development of part-time employment .

  18. 开设了非全日制的英语班。

    Part-time English classes are offered .

  19. 学校还提供各种课程选择,从一年期速成课程到三年期的非全日制课程不等。

    It also offers options ranging from a one-year accelerated model to a part-time , three-year programme .

  20. 我必须做非全日制工作(兼职打工),因为我的父母没有足够的钱来支付我的学费。

    I had to do a part-time job because my parents had not enough money for my education .

  21. 第一部分从非全日制就业概念,产生的原因,存在的意义和发展现状四个方面对非全日制就业进行了进行了详细的概述。

    The concept , the causes , the significance and trend of part-time employment are outlined in detail .

  22. 非全日制研究生教育是中医药研究生教育体系的重要组成部分。

    The part-time graduate student education is the important part of the graduate student system in Chinese medicine education .

  23. 弹性用工成为企业降低成本追逐利润的最好途径,非全日制用工制度应运而生。

    It becomes the best way to reduce labor costs for profit-driven . Part-time employment system came into being .

  24. 据美国律师协会数据显示,本学年的全日制及非全日制学生共计4.5万人。

    This academic year , the number was 45,000 full - and part-time students , according to the ABA .

  25. 在日本经济低迷的20年里,许多公司把全日制员工换成非全日制的员工。

    During the past 20 years of economic doldrums , many companies have replaced full-time workers with part-time ones .

  26. 关于体育院校非全日制及函授英语教学改革的思考

    On English Teaching of Non - full - time and Correspondences Course in Colleges and Universities of Physical Education

  27. 非全日制从业人员在多个用人单位工作时间,每月总计不得超过标准工作时间。

    The accumulative work time of a non-full-time employee in several employer entities may not exceed the standard work time .

  28. 我曾经全职工作,但我的雇主减少了我的时间,所以我现在只能从事非全日制工作。

    I used to work full-time , but my employer reduced my hours , so I am now only working part-time .

  29. 这个问题现在同样适用。非全日制用工法律适用疑难问题探讨

    The question is apt in this case as well . Research on the Difficulty of the Application of Part-time Work Law

  30. 然而,即便不资助学费的雇主也会允许员工在攻读非全日制课程时灵活工作,这也是一种投资。

    However , even employers that do not fund tuition still invest by allowing employees to work flexibly during part-time courses .