
  • 网络Penicillin;Benzylpenicillin Sodium
  1. 结果注射用青霉素钠的X射线衍射图谱中均可检出青霉素钠的特征峰。

    RESULTS The X-ray diffraction pattern of penicillin G sodium for injection was obtained .

  2. 结论X射线衍射分析可用于注射用青霉素钠的鉴定。

    CONCLUSION The identification of penicillin G sodium for injection can be accomplished with X-ray diffraction .

  3. 氨苄青霉素钠在氯化钠注射液中配伍维生素C的稳定性实验

    Study on the Stability of the Combination of Sodium Ampicillin and Vitamin C with Sodium Chloride in Compound Injection

  4. 注射用氨氯青霉素钠中氨苄西林和氯唑西林含量的HPLC测定

    Determination of Ampicillin and Cloxacillin in Ampicloxacillin Sodium for Injection by HPLC

  5. HPLC法同时测定青霉素钠和地塞米松磷酸钠的含量

    Detecting the content of benzylpenicillin sodium and dexamethasone sodium phosphate simultaneously by HPLC method

  6. 低分子量的乙基纤维素(EC)包覆氨苄青霉素钠,采用纳米沉淀法制备氨苄青霉素钠-乙基纤维素纳米微球。

    Ampicillin sodium was embeded in ethylcellulose ( EC ) nanospheres made of low-molecular-weight EC .

  7. 建立近红外漫反射光谱法测定注射用青霉素钠含量、水分和pH等品质参数的方法。

    A near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopic ( NIRDRS ) method to determine the content , moisture and pH of benzylpenicillin sodium for injection was presented .

  8. KIO4-鲁米诺化学发光体系测定青霉素钠

    Determination of benzylpenicillin sodium by luminol-postassium periodate chemiluminescence system

  9. 本研究分别以牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、卵清蛋白(OVA)为蛋白质载体,采用碳二亚胺法(CDI)将半抗原青霉素钠(PEN)分别与BSA、OVA偶联,合成了完全抗原PEN-EDC-BSA和PEN-EDC-OVA。

    In this study penicillin hapten was respectively coupled with BSA and OVA to synthesize PEN-EDC-BSA and PEN-EDC-OVA complete antigen applying CDI .

  10. 改良法用0.9%氯化钠注射液3.66、7.33ml稀释80万U、160万U青霉素钠,并配成青霉素皮试液。

    For modified technique , 3 . 66 ml and 7 . 33 ml of 0 . 9 % sodium chloride injection were used for the dilution of 800 000 U and 1 600 000 U penicillin .

  11. 在苦参碱对青霉素钠诱导的大鼠海马脑片CA1区群峰电位(PS)影响的实验研究中,实验结果显示不同剂量苦参碱能够不同程度地抑制青霉素钠诱导的海马神经细胞兴奋性。

    The results in the experiment of slices indicated that the different dosage could have different inhibition on excitability induced by penicillin sodium . In vivo after the direct .

  12. 在本文中,我们利用无水乙醇作为青霉素钠的吸附介质,将药物装载在MCM-41的孔道结构当中,从而保证了青霉素钠在吸附过程中化学结构的完整,并简化了对其吸附机理的分析。

    The drug of penicillin is loaded in the MCM-41 channels through the media of ethanol in order to protect the drug and simplify the analysis of the sorption modes .

  13. 检测波长242nm。结果该方法下青霉素钠与地塞米松磷酸钠线性范围分别为0.1842~12.2800mg/ml,1.8~120.0μg/ml;

    Results By this method , the linear ranges of Benzylpenicillin Sodium and Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate are 0.1842 ~ 12.2800mg/ml and 1.8 ~ 120.0 μ g / ml respectively .

  14. 羟氨苄青霉素钠与四种常用输液配伍的稳定性

    Stability of amoxicillin sodium in four infusion fluids most in use

  15. 青霉素钠丁醇共沸结晶工艺

    Crystallization Process of Benzylpenicillin Sodium in Water-Butanol Solution by Azeotropic Distillation

  16. 替硝唑注射液与氨苄青霉素钠在生理盐水中的稳定性考察

    The stability of tinidazole and ampicillin sodium in 0.9 % NaCl infusion

  17. HPLC-柱切换法归属青霉素钠有关物质中的聚合物分析

    Analysis of polymer impurities in related substances of benzylpenicillin sodium by HPLC-column-switching

  18. 青霉素钠减压共沸蒸馏结晶法中提高真空度的措施

    Measures of vacuum improvement in distillation in crystallization process of benzylpenicillin sodium

  19. 用差热分析法求固体苯唑青霉素钠热降解动力学参数

    Estimation of kinetic parameters of sodium oxacillin from differential thermal analysis curves

  20. 苯甲异恶唑青霉素钠青霉素钠在玻碳电极上的电化学行为

    Electrochemical behavior of benzylpenicillin sodium in glass carbon electrode

  21. 氯唑青霉素钠生产线职业病危害因素识别与控制

    Identification and control of occupational hazardous agents in product line for sodium eloxacillin

  22. 氨苄青霉素钠合成的研究

    The study of synthetic technology of ampicillinum natrium

  23. 氨苄青霉素钠-乙基纤维素纳米微球的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Ampicillin Loaded Ethylcellulose Nanospheres

  24. 氨苄青霉素钠锭剂、栓剂的人体药动学参数和生物利用度

    Study on pharmacokinetic parameters and bioavailability of ampicillin sodium troches and suppositories in human

  25. 术后青霉素钠连续注射三天,预防感染。

    Benzylpenicillin sodium was injected in the following three days to prevent from inflammation .

  26. 气相色谱法研究赋形剂对苯唑青霉素钠稳定性的影响

    Investigation of the influence of excipients on the stability of sodium oxacillin by pyrolysis gas chromatography

  27. 早期应用大剂量青霉素钠对犬颅脑爆震伤的影响

    Effect of early application of penicillin sodium at high doses on craniocerebral explosive injury in dogs

  28. 目的建立注射用青霉素钠的新鉴定分析方法。

    OBJECTIVE To develop a new identification and analysis method of penicillin G sodium for injection .

  29. 目的观察凝结芽胞杆菌活菌片对氨苄青霉素钠诱发的小鼠腹泻的治疗作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of Bacillus coagulans tablets on the treatment of experimental diarrhea in mice .

  30. 所有动物间断强迫立位4h/d,青霉素钠5万u/周肌注预防感染。

    All animals were forced at intervals to stand for 4 hours everyday , and 50 000 u benzylpenicillin sodium was injected to prevent infection .