
  • 网络pepper phytophthora blight
  1. 真菌4号菌株对防治青椒疫病的效果最好,防治效果为67.9%,达到差异显著的效果。

    Against the green pepper Phytophthora blight is best and the control effect was 67 . 9 % . The difference was remarkable .

  2. 为黄瓜枯萎病、青椒疫病的生物防治提供了新的有效拮抗菌株。

    It provided new efficient antagonistic strains against the cucumber Fusarium wilt and green pepper Phytophthora blight .

  3. 上海郊区青椒疫病病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性

    Identification and biological studies of Phytophthora capsic in Shanghai suburbs

  4. 采用嫁接方法防治青椒疫病的研究

    Study on Controlling Phytophthora Capsici Leon by Grafting Method

  5. 针对黄瓜枯萎病和青椒疫病制备生防木霉菌固体制剂,在山东莱阳和泰安进行了田间小区试验,对田间应用效果进行评价。

    6th , we prepared solid biocontrol agent and carried on the field plot experiment about the effect of biocontrol agent controlling against the cucumber Fusarium wilt and the green pepper Phytophthora blight .

  6. 固体菌剂对青椒疫病防治效果达61.90%,达到差异显著的效果,并且平均株高比对照增加达8.92%,增产达37.19%,其防病与促生、增产效果显著。

    Moreover the production increased 11 . 06 % and 37.19 % , respectively . The effect of solid agent on the plant height of pepper was 8 . 92 % . The difference was remarkable .

  7. 结果表明,固体生物肥料对黄瓜枯萎病的防治效果为45.12%、对青椒疫病防治效果达51.79%,达到了差异显著的效果,而且分别增产11.06%和37.19%,其防病与增产效果显著。

    The result indicated that the biocontrol effect of solid agent were 45.12 % and 51.79 % , respectively . Moreover , the production increased by 11.06 % and 37.19 % , respectively . The difference of biocontrol effect and increasing production was remarkable .