- 名sky;firmament

青冥浩荡不见底。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》
The Netflix-backed " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny " will premiere on February 8th next year , both on Netflix and in Chinese theatres .
The film , called " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : The Green Destiny , " is a production of the independent Weinstein Company , not a major movie studio , and has a relatively modest budget .
The third Netflix original feature ( after " Beasts of No Nation " and " The Ridiculous 6 " ) , " Sword of Destiny " lifts what little plot it has from the earlier film .
The only surprise about " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny , " the thoroughly unexciting sequel that became available on Netflix on Friday , is that anyone thought it needed to be made .
Li Mubai suddenly gives up his sword and his warrior days .
Once again the invincible sword known as Green Destiny must be protected from thieves .
The film is officially titled " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny . "
The Green Destiny , set 20 years after the events of the first movie , follows four martial arts heroes trying to protect the Green Destiny sword .
Filmed in New Zealand by a mostly Western crew , with a number of Asian-American and Australian actors , " Sword of Destiny " has a hybrid feel .
The film follows four martial arts heroes who are trying to protect the 400-year-old sword , known as the Green Destiny . The film is directed by renowned fight choreographer Yuen Woo-ping .
As the film ticks off the fights on its way to the big showdown , there isn 't a moment that possesses the enchantment or emotion with which Mr. Lee infused " Crouching Tiger . " " It is not kept hidden , " Shu Lien says , spying the Green Destiny in Sir Te 's quarters .