
  • 网络hawk;hoke;Hawker;Bob Hawke;HOK
  1. 电力助动车用阀控铅蓄电池&霍克(Hawker)电池及试验情况介绍

    VRLA batteries for electric moped ── An introduction to Hawker VRLA batteries and their testing case

  2. 从试验结果看,霍克电池的基本性能是好的,能满足电力助动车的使用要求。

    From the test result it can be seen that the basic performance of Hawker VRLA is good and the requirement for the electric moped can be satisfied .

  3. 无论您需要一个标准组件或为您的项目,霍克的OEM专家可以帮助定制设计。

    Whether you need a standard component or a customized design for your project , HOKE OEM specialists can help .

  4. 迪士尼的京特??霍克(GüntherHake)称,迪士尼在天猫上的广告和销售都令人满意。

    G ü nther Hake of Disney says his firm has had good experiences advertising and selling on Tmall .

  5. 在三次尝试结婚失败之后,9月15日,这位落跑新娘在140位客人的注视下,在英国艾塞克斯郡霍克奇市的LangtonsHouse登记处结婚了。

    After three failed attempts the runaway bride finally married on September 15 at Langtons House registry office in Hornchurch , Essex , watched by 140 guests .

  6. 最后,利用RMR和GSI以及霍克-布朗准则,确定了东戈壁露天矿露天边坡抗剪强度参数。

    Finally , the shearing strength parameters of East Gobi open pit slope are identified with the RMR , GSI and Hawk-Brown criterion . 2 .

  7. 岩石动态强度更好地符合霍克-布朗强度准则,特别是在较高围压下(如大于100MPa)。

    The dynamic compression strengths are more accorded with the Hoek-Brown criterion , especially under higher confining pressure ( higher than 100 MPa ) .

  8. 乐视北美首席研发官罗伯.钱德霍克(RobChandhok)表示,乐视正在重构电子产品与媒体的价值链,同时提供一座更优雅、直观的桥梁来解决用户体验分散的问题。

    Rob Chandhok , LeEco 's chief R & D officer for North America , said the company was reconstructing the value chain of electronics and media , while providing a more elegant and intuitive bridge that will solve the problem of a fragmented user experience .

  9. 用这种办法霍克伍德会发大财的。

    Hawkwood would make large sums of money in this way .

  10. 周五在桑迪霍克小学有26人遇难。

    Twenty-six people from Sandy Hook Elementary were killed on Friday .

  11. 他的合作者霍克持有不同的看法。

    His collaborator , hooke , was of a different opinion .

  12. 托默霍克自从开业至今一直都是这样,朋友。

    Tomahawk 's been the same ever since I started , buddy .

  13. 莫尔-库仑和霍克-布朗强度准则用于评估脆性岩石动态强度的适用性

    Estimating the dynamic strength of rock using mohr - Coulomb and Hoek-Brown criteria

  14. 霍克流体流程解决方案提供了泄漏的石油和天然气生产紧张的表现。

    HOKE fluid process solutions offers leak-tight performance for oil and gas production .

  15. 你可以找到霍克的时间考验,在全球数百植物设计。

    You can find HOKE 's time-tested designs in hundreds of plants worldwide .

  16. 从研究实验室的试验工厂,霍克组件提供的密封性能。

    From research laboratories to pilot plants , HOKE components deliver leak-tight performance .

  17. 斯匹茨卑尔根群岛伯顺岬地区海克拉霍克岩系变质岩小构造特征

    Minor structures of metamorphic rocks of Hecla Hoek sequence in Kapp borthen area Spitsbergen

  18. 影片中的父亲伊桑•霍克,曾经也是个孩子;

    Ethan Hawke , playing the dad - he used to be a kid .

  19. 霍克-布朗强度准则中m,s参数的断裂分析

    Fracture analysis on the parameters m , s in Hoek - brown strength criterion

  20. 大约在周五上午9:30,目击者称在桑迪霍克小学听到枪声。

    Around 9:30 Friday morning , witnesses reported hearing gunshots inside Sandy Hook Elementary .

  21. 这家设在布莱克霍克的科罗拉多州中央站夜总会没有回复要求其对此事表态的电话。

    The Colorado Central Station Casino in Black Hawk did not return calls seeking comment .

  22. 我想应该是个姓霍克理的人。

    I should imagine someone named hockley .

  23. 这不是托默霍克。

    It 's not the tomahawk .

  24. 这是托默霍克赌场。

    This is the Tomahawk casino .

  25. 霍克知道那是古柯碱。

    Hooker knows it 's cocaine .

  26. 霍克解决了另一个问题。

    And hooker solves another case .

  27. 霍克期将军发出撤退信号。

    General Hawkes sounded the retreat .

  28. 而他的女儿劳拉,这位第一天的伟大老师在桑迪霍克小学被杀害。

    His daughter Laura , a first great teacher was killed at Sandy Hook elementary school .

  29. 十一世纪,柯克战船经过改进,以坚固耐久的橡木建成,号为霍克战舰。

    Constructed with strong and durable oak , the Holk is an11th century development of the Cog .

  30. 该新型武器最终将要替换目前用来保卫挪威空军基地的老式的霍克导弹连。

    The new weapon eventually will replace aging Hawk missile batteries that Currently guard air bases throughout Norway .