
  • 网络need assessment;needs evaluation
  1. SA方法在农村女性生殖道感染服务需求评估中的应用研究

    Needs Assessment of Reproductive Tract Infections Among the Rural Women with the Methodology of Strategic Assessment

  2. 国内外家庭护理需求评估工具的研究现状与启示

    The research status of home care needs assessment tool in China and abroad

  3. 影响鱼类饲料维生素C需求评估的因素分析

    Several Factors Affecting Estimations of Dietary Vitamin C Requirements for Fish

  4. 吉林市14所综合医院HIV职业暴露培训需求评估

    Assessment on Training Demand for Occupational People Exposed HIV on 14 Polyclinic Hospital in Jilin City

  5. 世界银行和世界粮食计划署以及联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganisation)一道,已经对超过25个国家进行了快速需求评估。

    The world bank , working with the World Food Programme and the food and Agriculture Organisation , has already made rapid needs assessments for more than 25 countries .

  6. 抽取了贵州省大方县经济状况中等的3个村应用PRA进行生育卫生服务需求评估调查。

    PRA was applied to identify the needs of reproductive health service in 3 villages .

  7. 目的探讨个人深入访谈法在性健康需求评估(SASH)中的应用。

    Objective To explore application of in-depth individual interviews in situational analysis of sex health ( SASH ) .

  8. 针对航空英语教学中存在的问题,依托ESP理论,航空英语教学在大纲设计上应注意进行需求评估。

    Based on ESP ( English for Specific Purposes ) theory , it makes needs analysis on curriculum design of aviation English course , and points out problems in current aviation English teaching .

  9. 例如,在第4个情境,也就是技术需求评估(TNAs)中,各国提出它们自己的技术优先事项。

    For example , in a fourth setting , Technology Needs Assessments ( TNAs ), countries identify their own technology priorities .

  10. 个人深入访谈法在性健康需求评估中的应用

    Application of in-depth individual interviews in situational analysis of sex health

  11. [方法]实验研究在需求评估的基础上进行。

    [ Method ] The experiment was based on the demand survey .

  12. 疗养院管理人员培训现状与需求评估

    Current Situation and Demand Assessment on the Training of Managers in Sanitarium

  13. 有针对性的需求评估和由需求驱动的做法是确保可持续性的关键因素。

    Targeted needs assessments and demand-driven approaches are crucial to secure sustainability .

  14. 一种考虑旅客需求评估客运票价的经验模型

    An experienced model considering passengers ' demands to evaluate passengers transport charges

  15. 福州某社区高血压病人自我管理健康教育需求评估

    Demand Evaluation of Health Education on Hypertension Self-management in Community , Fuzhou

  16. 96例晚期癌症病人需求评估研究

    Study on assessment of demands of 96 cancer patients in advanced stage

  17. 晚期癌症病人需求评估问卷的综合评价

    Comprehensive evaluation on demand appraisal questionnaire in terminal cancer patients

  18. 人类住区部门分析和需求评估特派团

    Human Settlements Sector Analysis and Needs Assessment Mission

  19. 编写该等方案时,上述分析须创建短期和长期需求评估。

    When compiled , the analysis will create both a short-and long-term needs assessment .

  20. 方法按中英项目艾滋病/性病防治需求评估实施方案,在思茅市160家娱乐场所中按随机抽样80家,对高危女性采取一对一问卷调查。

    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted by random sampling in 80 recreation places .

  21. 根据需求评估决定学习目标。

    Determine learning objectives based on the needs-assessment .

  22. 新闻工作者艾滋病防治互联网资源信息需求评估

    Journalists ' need assessment on HIV / AIDS prevention and control information from internet

  23. 医院要提供有效的卫生保健,需求评估是关键。

    Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care .

  24. 以病人为本的护理协调,尤其是通过联合需求评估实现的协调,十分重要。

    Patient-centered care coordination , in particular through joint needs assessments , is key .

  25. 重危患者家属需求评估的研究

    Study on the Critical Care Family Needs

  26. 本文从培训需求评估、培训项目开发与实施、培训效果评估三方面来分析M公司具体培训职能上存在的问题第三章针对上一章分析提出了改善对策。

    Chapter 3 . This chapter gives detailed solutions for training function in M company .

  27. 该方法可被进一步发展,在资本金需求评估中发挥巨大的作用。

    This could be taken further and used to great effect in assessing capital requirements .

  28. 最后,根据主机的安全需求评估主机和网络的安全性。

    The security of hosts and network are assessed based on the security requirements at last .

  29. 世行还在巴基斯坦地震和海啸发生之后,领导了损害和需求评估工作。

    The Bank also led the damage and needs assessment after the Pakistan earthquake and Tsunami .

  30. 贵州省大方县对改善生育卫生服务的需求评估&参与性农村评估分析

    A Participatory Rural Appraisal Analysis of Reproductive Health Service Needs Assessment in Dafang County , Guizhou Province