
  • 网络sump;collecting well;Catch Basin
  1. 水电站集水井抽水控制装置的改进措施

    Improvement measure of pump water control device of collecting well in hydropower station

  2. 基于软起动器的水电厂集水井智能控制系统

    Water Collecting Well Intelligent Control System of Hydropower Station Based on Soft Startup Device

  3. 介绍了利用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)技术和XST液位控制仪对金溪水电站传统的集水井控制回路进行改造的过程。

    The reform of the traditional water-collecting well control system of Jinxi Hydropower Plant with the technology of PLC and XST water-level-control apparatus is introduced .

  4. 介绍了污水处理系统的工艺流程和基于PROFIBUS现场总线的自动控制系统组成,并以集水井水泵电机自动轮值控制和大溶解氧闭环模糊控制为例,讨论控制策略。

    The technological process of the configuration of a Sullage Processing System and an automatic control system based on the PROFIBUS are introduced . Control tactics are offered using examples of the automatic spell control of a water pump motor and the closed loop fuzzy control of dissolving oxygen .

  5. 金溪水电站集水井控制系统的技术改造

    Technical reform of the water-collecting well control system of Jinxi hydropower plant

  6. 深、大集水井控制爆破技术

    A Controlled Blasting Technique for Deep and Large scale Gully

  7. 集水井开挖钢板桩围护计算

    Calculation of Steel Sheet Pile Enclosure in Excavation of Water Collecting Well

  8. 大口径集水井在深基坑降水中的应用

    Application of Big-calibre Gully to Dewatering in Deep Foundation Pit

  9. 钢筋混凝土污水处理集水井施工的若干体会

    Experience of construction of reinforced concrete sewage disposal pond

  10. 引水隧道施工井改造为集水井方案分析

    Scheme Analysis of Reconstructing Underground Water Channel Working Shaft into Water Collecting Well

  11. 集水井集散控制系统

    Well of Collected Water Distributing Computer Control System

  12. 消力池集水井承压条件下灌浆试验研究

    Experimental Study on Grouting into Wells for Water Collection in Energy Dissipation Ponds under the Condition of Bearing Pressure Water

  13. 本文简要介绍了运用集水井降水及喷射砼护壁来进行人工挖孔桩快速施工的方法。

    This paper briefly introduces the high-speed construction technique of manually excavated piles by applying the catchment well for reducing water level and by applying the spray concrete dado .

  14. 文章主要介绍了广西南宁市西郊水厂新增集水井成功采用水上施工平台制作和下沉安装的新工艺。

    The article mainly introduces the new technique of platform fabrication above water and that of sinking installation under water , which have been successfully applied in the new catch pit in West Suburban Water Plant of Nanning , Guangxi .

  15. 进水非稳态漩涡现象容易在各种水工建筑物如水电站、水泵站、通航船闸、调节流量水位的建筑物及核电站的中央应急冷却系统的集水井等建筑的进水口处产生。

    The vortexes have been observed frequently at intakes of hydraulic structures such as hydroelectric power stations , navigation locks , flow and level regulation and withdrawal from sumps in Emergency Core Cooling Systems ( ECCS ) of nuclear power stations .

  16. 而且,通过标准方差的分析得知,细格栅水质的波动性较大;对集水井污泥沉积量、物料平衡和活性污泥活性有影响。

    Moreover , through the analysis of standard deviation , the water quality of grille has much more volatile and has influence on the amount of sludge deposition in catch pit , the material balance and the activity of activated sludge .

  17. 介绍的是工程上实用性较强的一种新型闸门,它主要解决了水泵站集水井内进水间与吸水间之间的闸门静水起吊问题。

    This paper introduces a new type of a gate which is very practical in project . It solves the hydrostatic lift problem of a gate between an intake chamber and suction chamber in the catchment basin of an intake pump station .

  18. 本文以单井稳定流抽水为例,从井固流场与地下水向集水井幅射流的涌水量方程入手,阐明井结构,井周泥浆堵塞和井内水位降深的关系。

    With the single-well steady-flow pumping as example , starting with the water-inflow equation of radiating groundwater flow towards collecting wells and circum-well flow field , the relationship between well structure , circum-well mud plugging and drawdown of water level within wells is discussed .