
  • 网络centralization;centralized;decentralization
  1. 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化

    HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  2. 科技,火药,再次的中央集权化。

    Technology , gunpowder , centralization of power again .

  3. 在大规模生产的时代,跨国公司往往实行集权化经营。

    In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations

  4. 信息技术对组织权力分配影响:在集权化基础上的分权

    Impact of Information Technology on Power Distribution within Organization : Decentralization Based on Centralization

  5. 他们对集权化几乎没显示什么勉强之意。

    They show little reluctance to centralize .

  6. 不只是苏联,许多会员国都支持集权化的卫生系统措施。

    Not only the Soviet Union but many Member States supported a centralized health-systems approach .

  7. 汉时,中央与地方的财权分配总体趋向是集权化。

    In general , the financial allocation between central and local finance was centralised by central government .

  8. 11世纪教宗格里高力推行改革,出现了一个人们不愿意看到的后果,那就是教宗的中央集权化。

    One of the unintended consequences of the Gregorian Reform of the11th century was the centralization of authority in the papacy .

  9. 行政督察专员公署的设立,也表现出南京政府时期的集权化趋势。

    The establishment of the systems also represented the tendency of the centralization of state power in the period of NNG .

  10. 对撒切尔政府政策包括其加强中央集权化政策的研究仍需进一步的深入。

    Further efforts are needed to obtain deeper insight into the policies adopted by Thatcher government , including the policy of centralization .

  11. 为表现公司中央集权化,核心层星型结构建立数据流的汇聚点作为关键站点。

    To reflect this corporate centralization , the core layer hub-and-spoke configuration establishes the focal point of the data flow as a key site .

  12. 查德威克从市政工程、行政管理和立法等方面提出改革措施,以加强国家对公共卫生的干预,实现中央集权化的管理。

    Through the reform and legislative interventions , Chadwick tried to strengthen national intervention in the field of public health and realize centralized management .

  13. 除此以外,他们还将规模经济扩展到了其他领域,且很可能摆脱集权化的官僚体制的不利影响而赢得更广阔的市场。

    But they are also extending economies of scale into new areas , potentially gaining bigger markets without the disadvantages of a centralised bureaucracy .

  14. 实际上,由受过专业训练的“官本位的”、高度集权化的体制阻碍了让理性的对立面能够发展繁荣的社会组织的增长。

    Indeed , its'mandarinate ' a strongly centralised system run by highly-trained administrators prevented the growth of social organisations within which reasoned opposition could flourish .

  15. 由于集权化的计划体制使得大众美术市场在美术市场中占有主导地位,专业美术市场规模极小而没有受到重视。

    With planned economy at that time , the popular art market was the mainly part of the art market when professional art market was very small .

  16. 自20世纪以来,由于政府对经济社会干预的全面深入、福利社会的建设和福利政策的推行,西方各国的中央与地方关系普遍趋向集权化。

    Since 20th century , by government 's strengthened interference towards economics , society and welfare , centralization of state power was formed between Occident central government and local government .

  17. 大学开始从知识的共同体向管理运营专门化、集权化的知识的企业体化方向发展。

    The university began to develop from " the community of knowledge " to " the corporate body of knowledge " which included the centralized management and state of power .

  18. 其中,结构性因素包括政府的集权化特点、政府-市场之间的政策网络特点和对外开放因素,起着更重要的、决定性的作用。

    Among them , the structural factor including the governmental centralization characteristics , the government-market characteristics of the policy network and outward open factor , has more important of and decisive function .

  19. 尽管近年来日本政府大力打击极道,但这种集权化的结构使得山口组可以轻易攫取大量财富。

    Even with the Japanese government cracking down on Yakuza in recent years , this centralized structure has made it easy to attribute a massive amount of revenue to this single gang .

  20. 这包括美俄共同采取行动帮助乌克兰政府稳定经济,促进乌克兰政治体系非集权化,并遣散近月来在乌克兰大规模出现的亲俄派和亲乌派准军事人员。

    This included joint initiatives to stabilize Kiev 's economy , promote the decentralization of the country 's political system and demobilize pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian paramilitaries that have blossomed across the country in recent months .

  21. 包括财政分权改革和政府规模改革在内的政府集权化特点对于制造业与服务业之间的互动发展作用并不清晰,可能在我国制造业与服务业的互动发展中起到了双刃剑的双重作用。

    Including the reform of fiscal decentralization and the government size , the role of government centralization characteristics for industry interactive development is not clear , probably as the " double-edged sword " dual role .

  22. 随着企业规模的扩大,以家长制集权化管理,差序式特殊信任,人情与面子至上的权力游戏等为特征管理模式会增加企业管理成本。

    Along with the enterprise scale expanded management models of patriarchal style centralization management , the special trust of disparity sequence , and sentiment and face supreme authority game can increase the business management cost .

  23. 文章指出,英国普通法是诺曼王朝王权强化和中央集权化的副产品,形成于王室法庭的司法过程,体现为判例法,其内容来源于地方性习惯。

    As a law of case and with local custom as its content , the English common law is a by-product of the strengthening of King 's power and centralization and forms in King 's courts .

  24. 经过抗战前期的统制压缩政策后,在留学选派整体规模逐渐恢复的同时,中央集权化趋势继续得以不断强化。

    Through the compressing policy of the ex - period Anti-Japanese Invasion War , as the whole scale of the select and appoint to study abroad recovered gradually , the centralization trended to be enhanced continuously .

  25. 欧共体理事会第17/62号条例建立的集权化的、以委员会为核心的共同体竞争法实施机制已经不能适应经济全球化与欧共体一体化对有效实施竞争法的要求。因此,欧共体着手改革其竞争法实施机制。

    As centralized enforcement mechanism established by Council Regulation No. 17 / 62 and with EU Commission as the core , does not adapt to economic globalization and European integration , a reform on it has been launched .

  26. 华夏国家早期王权的形成正是由于原始战争中形成的英雄崇拜导致了社会管理的集权化,并最终确立了王权世袭制度;

    The paper expresses that the monarchy power 's formation of the Chinese countries is derived from the concentration of the social management from the heroic worship formed in the primitive war , and finally the monarch 's transmission came into being .

  27. 国家经济和社会职能的日益扩张,集权化的倾向和政治决策中的官僚主义,导致了经济发展效率的缺失,使福利国家在新的历史条件下经受着前所未有的挑战。

    Owing to the expansion of national economy and social functions , and because of the tendency of centralization and bureaucracy in political decision making , the inefficient economic growth make German welfare state face the strongest challenges ever in the new historical period .

  28. 第二章阐述了扁平化管理模式的四个理论依据即控制跨度理论、命令链理论、集权化和分权化理论及流程再造理论,作为整篇文章的立论基础。

    The second chapter explains the 4 theoretical foundations of the flattening management model , namely span of control theory , chain of command theory , centralization and decentralization theory , and process reengineering theory . These 4 theories are the foundation of this whole dissertation .

  29. 中国古代刑事审判的特点主要表现为集权与非专业化。

    Accordingly , the Chinese ancient criminal trial is characterized by centralization of power and non-professionalization .

  30. 从冷酷的执政下获得的中央集权关注于标准化的法令和官僚流程、造币和书写的形式以及学派的思考模式。

    Centralization , achieved by ruthless methods , was focused on standardizing legal codes and bureaucratic procedures , the forms of writing and coinage , and the pattern of thought and scholarship .