
jí tǐ xínɡ wéi
  • collective behavior;collective act
  1. 等离子体是带电粒子和中性粒子组成的表现出集体行为的一种准中性气体。

    A plasma is a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior .

  2. 目前人们普遍接受的等离子体中电子的集体行为是Pines和Bohm在1952年所做的工作。

    At present , the collective behavior of the electrons in the plasma done by Pines and Bohm ( 1952 ) is generally accepted .

  3. 这两个功能是由SCN中数千至数万个神经元的集体行为所决定的。

    These two main functions are decided by the collective behaviors of thousands of neurons in SCN .

  4. 资源搜索是P2P网络应用领域中最为广泛的问题,蚁群算法是受到自然界中真实的蚂蚁集体行为的启发而提出的一种算法。

    Resource search is a popular application area of P2P networks and the ant colony algorithm ( ACA ) is a heuristic approach inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants .

  5. 我们应当期待对一种集体行为问题做出一些补救,这种问题正阻碍抵押贷款金融家为房屋净值为负的房主提供抵押贷款调整(workouts)或重组。

    We should hope for some remedy for a sort of collective-action problem that is preventing mortgage financiers from providing workouts , or restructuring , to underwater homeowners .

  6. 它是由意大利学者Dorigo等人受到人们对自然界中真实蚁群集体行为的研究成果的启发而首先提出来的。

    It is by the Italian scholars Dorigo , who received about the nature of collective behavior of real ant colony inspired research first put forward .

  7. 对于这种集体行为,我们还了解得很少。

    Very little is understood about this kind of collective behavior .

  8. 住院康复精神分裂症社交能力不足者的集体行为治疗

    Group Behavior Therapy of Recovering Inpatients with Schizophrenia and Social Deficit

  9. 聚集,集合收集人的行动集体行为论集体行为论

    The action of one that gathers . theory of collective behavior

  10. 这些集体行为将无关的风险转变成高度相关的风险。

    These collective movements turn uncorrelated risks into highly correlated ones .

  11. 复杂网络上的信息传播与集体行为涌现

    Information Propagation and Emergence of Collective Behaviors in Complex Networks

  12. 细菌因为有这些集体行为,

    What happens is that bacteria have these collective behaviors

  13. 这次捐款是集体行为,并不是某个人组织的。

    This contribution of money is a collective activity , not organized by someone .

  14. 最后第五章是制度&集体行为的整体理论论述。

    Finally the fifth chapter is on the overall theory of ' system-collective behavior ' .

  15. 它是自然行为的产物,它是在我们的集体行为中成长起来的。

    It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions .

  16. 用模型表现集体行为仍将十分困难,存在诸多阻力。

    It will remain difficult to model these collective movements . There is much resistance .

  17. 市场分析寻找市场大众的集体行为模式。

    Market analysis finds behavior patterns in the collective actions of everyone participating in a market .

  18. 测度同步现象是耦合保守系统所具有的一种集体行为,从宽泛的意义上它类似耗散系统的同步行为,它的物理图像简单、明了;

    The phenomenon of measure synchronization is a collective behavior which the coupled conservative systems display .

  19. 国际制度议价指的是自利团体之间为了处理集体行为问题而进行的协商。

    Negotiating international regimes means coordination and bargaining between or among different actors in collective actions .

  20. 以及创造良好的集体行为,成为了实现这些愿景的关键。

    and being able to create good collective behavior becomes a key to realizing these visions .

  21. 集体行为与社会稳定

    Collective Behavior and Social Stability

  22. 区域品牌是某地域的企业品牌集体行为的综合体现,是区域经济发展的产物。

    The regional brand is the comprehensive embodiment of the enterprise brand collective behavior of some regions .

  23. 微观决策的相互作用产生了集体行为,而集体行为在微观层面是不可见的。

    The interactions of these decisions create collective movements that are not visible at the micro level .

  24. 夸克与胶子确实打破牢笼而表现出集体行为,虽然这种状态转瞬即逝。

    The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively , if only fleetingly .

  25. 本文主要在理论上研究了高温等离子体中相对论电子的集体行为。

    My thesis is mainly related to the collective behavior of the relativistic electrons in the hot plasma .

  26. 集体行为是破坏社会治安、危害社会稳定的重要因素之一。

    Collective behavior is one of important factors that destroy the public order and endanger the social stability .

  27. 由于这种集体行为统一由村民委员会管理,视其为有组织的集体灌溉行为。

    One may consider this type as organized collective irrigation due to its unification management by the village committee .

  28. 同时,我们也会关注一下生物元素的集体行为、细胞网络、神经系统网络和发展等问题。

    We also look at collective behavior of biological elements , cellular networks , neural networks , and evolution .

  29. 然后表现只有当所有细胞齐心协力才能成功的集体行为。

    and they turn on group behaviors that are only successful when all of the cells participate in unison .

  30. 要解决这种集体行为问题,各公司需要获得信心,相信竞争对手会受到类似标准的约束。

    To correct this collective action problem , firms needed confidence that competitors would be held to similar standards .