
jí tǐ suǒ yǒu quán
  • collective ownership;collective proprietary rights
  1. 农地集体所有权的基本问题

    Some Basic Problems with Collective Ownership of Land in Rural Areas

  2. 我国的集体所有权制度是特殊时代的产物。

    Our collective ownership system is the product of a special era .

  3. 将集体所有权作为一种单独的所有权形式予以规定,允许农村土地使用权流转;

    The rural land-use right should be allowed to transfer .

  4. 国家所有权和集体所有权立法新建议

    A New Suggestion about Legislation of State and Collective Ownership

  5. 集体所有权就相当于没有所有权。

    Collective ownership is code for " no ownership " .

  6. 劳动群众集体所有权提倡中央集权主义的人。

    Collective ownership by the working people advocating centralization .

  7. 论中国农村土地集体所有权制度改革

    Inquire into the Improvement of Collective Ownership System of Rural Land in China

  8. 劳动群众集体所有权股权集中的私人公司

    Collective ownership by the working people closely-held private company

  9. 农村土地集体所有权质疑

    Questioning Countryside Land " Collective Ownership "

  10. 论集体所有权的性质

    On the Nature of Collective Ownership

  11. 劳动群众集体所有权

    Collective ownership by the working people

  12. 论集体所有权的性质我国物权立法中规定集体所有权的思考

    Comments on the Stipulation Concerning Collective Ownership in the Draft Law of Property Right of PRC

  13. 论集体所有权与集体所有制实现的经营形式&从所有制的制度实现与经营实现的区分认识集体所有权的必要性

    On Collective Proprietary Rights and Operating Forms of Collective Ownership Realization On the Nature of Collective Ownership

  14. 究竟是政府还是农民对土地享有集体所有权至今尚无定论。

    It has never been made entirely clear whether officials , or peasants , control collective rights .

  15. 在集体所有权基础上,采取多种形式的集体所有制实现的经营形式。

    Based on collective proprietary right , various operating forms of collective ownership realization can be chosen .

  16. 主要体现为产权主体的模糊性、虚置性,以及多级性的集体所有权主体又都不具备法律上的人格。

    Furthermore , the subject of the collective ownership at multiple levels fails to possess legal character .

  17. 论机动车与其所有人分离状态下的责任认定劳动群众集体所有权

    On the Responsibility of the Separation of the Vehicle and the Owner ; collective ownership by the working people

  18. 目前,我国的集体所有权存在以下弊端混淆了所有权与所有制的关系;

    Currently , our collective ownership exists the following shortcomings : Confusion with the relations of ownership and ownership system ;

  19. 本文认为,所有权的基本类型可以分为两种:一是私人所有权,包括公民所有权和法人所有权,二是公共所有权,包括国家所有权和集体所有权。

    This article declares the basic type of ownership can be divided into two kinds including private ownership and public ownership .

  20. 认为:从经济分析角度看,重构农村土地集体所有权制度乃是立法成本最低的一种立法路径,从交易成本理论考察,应将村民小组界定为集体土地所有权主体;

    From the perspective of transaction cost , the farmer groups should be regarded as the subjects of the collective land ownership right .

  21. 落实农村土地集体所有权的选择是设立农民集体大会,重塑农村集体土地所有权主体。

    The choice of ascertain rural collective proprietary right of land is establish peasant collective congress , recreate the rural collective subject of land .

  22. 在农村土地的产权建设中,要建立一个有效的农民组织来作为土地集体所有权的真实主体。

    In the construction of rural lands property rights , we need set up the effectiveness peasants ' organization to become true body of the ownership of land collectivity .

  23. 现行农民土地产权法律制度可以用农民集体所有权不变前提下的家庭联产承包责任制概括。

    The existing legal system of farmers ' land ownership is characterized as the household contract responsibility system on the premise of not changing the farmers ' collective ownership of land .

  24. 由于仍然享有农村土地集体所有权并且可以继续种地,很多在城市打拼的农民工依旧与他们曾经赖以为生的乡村保持着紧密的联系。

    Because they still have rights to a rural homestead and to farm a plot of land , many rural hukou-holders maintain a vital link with the countryside even after they move .

  25. 从法律的层面而言,当法律政策强调农户个人享有的承包经营权时,应同时加强对土地集体所有权的保护,即:立法应激活集体享有的所有权。

    From the legal aspect , when the policies put emphasis on the contracted management rights , they should also stress the protection of collective ownership . The legislation should safeguard this aim .

  26. 农地集体所有权保留与农户家庭承包经营权确立为基础的双层经营体制,作为一项合作经济体制的制度创新不可能一劳永逸地解决农业增长中的全部问题。

    As a cooperative managing system based on the holding of collective ownership and founding of house contracting managing , DLMS can not settle once and for all the whole issues in agricultural growth .

  27. 同时,它为各种名目的税费征收提供了制度上的便利。不仅如此,农村土地的集体所有权在现实中无法解决究竟谁是所有人的问题。

    At the same time , it helps to impose taxes at various names from institution . It does not stop at that ; the collective ownership for lands in villages can not solve the problem who is the owner .

  28. 在我国未来的民法典中,集体所有权应当是蕴涵了主体独立、平等、意志自由等私法价值理念的真正意义上的财产所有权,行政权力对集体财产不必要的束缚应逐步解除;

    In our country 's future Civil Code , collective proprietorship should be regarded as genuine proprietorship which connotes certain fundamental values and ideals of private law , including independence of subject , equality in status as well as autonomy of will .

  29. 主要包括:保持现有制度框架不变,通过改革赋予其新内涵的方案;搁置现有制度存废的争议,建立和完善土地用益物权制度的方案;废除或部分取消集体所有权的方案。

    Mainly includes : Unchanged the existing institutional framework , giving it new meaning through the reform ; set aside the disputes , practice the reform of usufruct of land ; Abolish or partial lifting of the collective ownership of the program .

  30. 建议结合审议物权法草案、行政强制法草案的机会修订土地管理法,确立国家所有权与集体所有权平等的法律地位;

    First , when the Real Right Law Draft and Administrative Compulsory Draft are submitted for examination and approval , the Law of Land Administration should also be revised so as to make the ownership by collectives legally equal to that by the State .