
  • 网络collective security system
  1. 集体安全体制下的干预行为成为冷战后国际干预的重要形式;

    The interference actions under the collective security system have become the significant form of international interference after the cold war ;

  2. 尽管现存集体安全体制还存在法规不完善等问题,但实践的发展明确要求法律作用的强化,以推动联合国改革朝着更加规则化的方向发展。

    Though the rules of the collective security system are imperfect , the effect of law should be reinforced to urge the reform of the UN in a more rules-oriented direction .

  3. 析先发制人战略对国际法治的冲击与影响&兼评联合国集体安全体制改革武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题关系到国际法律秩序的前途与联合国集体安全体制的命运。

    The Impact and Influence of Preemptive Strategy on International Ruling of law The legitimacy of using force to fight the international terrorism concerns the future of international legal order and the collective security mechanism of United Nations .