
  • 网络Accompanying CD;Cisco Networking Academy;Longman Advanced American Dictionary
  1. 基于Web的图书馆随书光盘下载系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of CD-ROM Attached with Books System Based on Web

  2. 利用PHP实现随书光盘的管理与借阅

    Making Use of the PHP Technique to Realize the Management of the Book with CDROM and Reading

  3. 基于ASP随书光盘发布系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of a Release System with the Disk Attached to Books According to the ASP

  4. 以前,虚拟实验室的发布,通常是以随书光盘的方式,而现在是采用网络,特别是因特网(Internet),一种全新的方式。

    The old way of publishing Virtual Laboratory was usually Compact Disc sold with book . And now , a latest way of using network , specially using Internet , is adopted .

  5. 基于DSpace的随书光盘管理系统

    Book-attached CD-ROM managing system based on DSpace

  6. 本文介绍了目前管理随书光盘的几种常用方法,针对传统基于Web管理方式的缺点,提出了建立基于DSpace的光盘管理系统,在实际应用中效果良好。

    This paper analyzes several methods used in managing book-attached CD-ROM in the library , and puts forward a method for using DSpace to build managing system .

  7. 本文主要论述以都柏林元数据集为标准,建立基于RDF的光盘元数据描述框架,构成图书馆随书光盘资源基本数据库。

    This paper mainly discusses the establishment of the CD-ROM metadata description frame based on RDF with Dublin Core Metadata as standard to form the basic databank of the book-attached CD-ROM resource in the library .

  8. 本文介绍了随书光盘的管理现状,分析了随书光盘网络化管理的基本内容,例举了利用ASP技术建立的一个随书光盘管理的简单程序。

    This paper introduces the status about CD-ROMs with books ' management , and analyses their basic content about network management , and it gives an example about a simple program based on ASP , which is about the management of CD-ROMs with books .

  9. 对随书光盘管理的思考

    Consideration about the Management of the CD Attached with the Books

  10. 随书光盘利用的版权风险与对策研究

    On Copyright Risk and Countermeasure in Making Use of Book-attached discs

  11. 图书馆随书光盘的资源管理与开发利用

    The Development and Utilization for CD Attached to Books in Library

  12. 光盘发布系统中随书光盘的筛选问题

    The Sieving Problem of The Book CD in The CD Releases System

  13. 随书光盘与书目信息一体化网络管理

    Network Management of Book Information and CD Along with Book

  14. 一种与图书管理系统整合的随书光盘管理系统

    The Book-attached CD-ROM Management System Which Integrates With the Book Management System

  15. 关于随书光盘管理系统的设计和实现探讨

    Design and Implement of Book - attached CD - ROM Managing System

  16. 随书光盘编目与管理之我见

    On the Catalogue and Management of Discs along with Books

  17. 随书光盘的编目和检索

    The Cataloging and Searching of CD Attached to Book

  18. 随书光盘(磁盘)的著录与管理

    The Description and Management of CD Attached with Books

  19. 从图书馆随书光盘的借阅量来看馆藏光盘资源建设

    Collection CD-ROM Resource Construction from the Lending Volume of Library CD Attached Books

  20. 高校随书光盘网络化管理系统的比较

    The Comparison of Networking Management System for CD Attached with Books of University

  21. 图书馆随书光盘管理和服务策略研究

    Research on Management and Service Strategy for CD Attached to Books in Library

  22. 高校图书馆随书光盘资源利用情况分析研究&以三峡大学图书馆为例

    An Analytical Study on the Utilization of CD Attached with Books in University Library

  23. 论高校图书馆随书光盘的特点及应用

    Discussion on the Characteristic and Application of CD Attached with Books in University Library

  24. 随书光盘、磁带的有效管理及深层次开发

    The Effective Management and Deep Development of Attached CD-ROM and Magnetic Tape of Books

  25. 再谈随书光盘管理

    On the CD Management of the Book

  26. 随书光盘分编及管理新探

    Probe into the Classification , Catalogue and Management of the CD Attached with the Books

  27. 随书光盘在高校图书馆流通中的管理初探

    Probe into the Management of CD Attached with Books in the Circulation of University Library

  28. 浅议随书光盘网络化管理模式存在的问题及解决方法

    Talk about the problems and solutions of the network management patterns for CD with book

  29. 关于随书光盘柜的设计

    Design of the Counter for Videodisk

  30. 随书光盘提供补充数据。

    The CD-ROM provides additional data .