
chú quán
  • deprive of a right
  1. 除权就是告诉投资者不能分红吗?

    Tell investor to cannot share out bonus namely except authority ?

  2. 第一部分是证券公司的别除权问题。

    The first part is about Securities companies ' exclusion right .

  3. 它们会显示股息额和除权日期。

    These show the dividend amount and the ex-dividend date .

  4. 关于别除权,我国先后使用了两个概念。

    China has used two concepts to explain exemption right .

  5. 善意取得在除权判决中的适用

    The Application of Good Faith Acquisition in the Invalidating Judgement

  6. 我国上市公司同行业内除权信息移转效果的研究

    Comparative Research on the Intra-industry Information Transfer Effect of Ex-rights in China

  7. 别除权是破产法的一项重要权利。

    Exemption right is an important right in bankruptcy procedures .

  8. 别除权就是在破产程序中存在的一种很特殊的权利。

    Exemption right is a special kind of right in bankruptcy procedure .

  9. 第二部分,研究别除权的基础权利。

    Second , the basic rights of exemption right .

  10. 破产程序中别除权的保护

    The Protection of the Power in the Bankruptcy Procedure

  11. 对别除权的深入研究,无疑将有助于相关立法和司法制度的完善。

    A thorough study on the Exemption right will perfect corresponding legislation and judiciary .

  12. 别除权制度最初产生于德国,其后逐渐发展到其他国家。

    Exemption right initially arose in Germany , and then gradually spread to other countries .

  13. 只有在除权日期之前购买股票才能享有股息。

    One only receives the dividend if the share is bought before the ex-dividend date .

  14. 开放式基金不存在除权,封闭式基金要除权。

    Open mode fund is nonexistent eliminate advantageous position , enclosed fund should eliminate advantageous position .

  15. 除权报价的股票赋予出售者保留分享公司新发股票的权利。

    Securities quoted ex-rights entitle the seller to retain the right to participate in a new issue .

  16. 除权是什么意思?权证交易收不收手续费?

    What meaning is eliminating advantageous position ? Does authority card trade close not to receive poundage ?

  17. 另外除权判决在一定条件下存在被撤销的可能。

    In addition , there is the possibility of recalling an invalidating judgment under some kind of condition .

  18. 着重对破产债权的认定、破产财产的范围、破产别除权制度进行了分析。

    Focusing on the bankruptcy cognizance , the range of bankrupt estate , bankruptcy exemption system is analyzed .

  19. 由此提出别除权的基础权利是担保物权和法定特别优先权。

    The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .

  20. 同时,新《破产法》对于在破产企业和解和重整程序中对于别除权的行使也作了相关规定。

    The new Bankruptcy Law also stipulates some concerning the Exemption Right in the process of reconciliation and re-engineering .

  21. 建立了测定除杈剂-A和除权剂-B中马来酰肼含量的紫外光谱法。

    The method for determination of the content of maleic hydrazide in plant growth regulator-A and-B by ultraviolet spectrophotometry was studied .

  22. 由于对别除权的不同认识,各国对别除权概念的规定也不尽相同。

    Because of different understanding of exemption right , the concept of exemption right in different country is not the same .

  23. 随着破产免责制度的产生、确立和发展,各国纷纷在其破产法中作了具体规定。二、两大法系代表性国家破产法上的别除权。

    Many countries have made detailed description about bankruptcy relief after its birth and development . Second is bankruptcy relief system .

  24. 另外对于除斥期间的起算,笔者认为应自解除权发生之日起算。

    In addition to the scheduled period of starting , the author thinks to should since the termination date of occurrence .

  25. 该法明确了雇主的若干项法定解除权,但是对于报复性解雇行为的认定和救济等方面,并没有做出规定。

    The law defined the legal right to dismiss employers , but still not for identification and legal remedies of retaliatory dismissal .

  26. 一般刚除权下来的价钱你是可以根据分红方案算出来的。

    The price that just came down except authority commonly you are OK according to numerate of plan of share out bonus .

  27. 别除权是破产程序中一项重要的优先受偿权利,其优先权的行使不受破产清算与和解程序的限制。

    Exemption right is an important priority in bankrupt procedures and its exercise is free from restrictions from the liquidation and reconciliation procedures .

  28. 别除权是债权人不依破产程序,而由破产财产中的特定财产或者法律规定单独受偿的权利。

    Creditors first priority is not in bankruptcy proceedings , and by the insolvency of a particular property or property rights laws alone compensation .

  29. 别除权的行使虽然原则上独立于破产程序,但仍受破产程序的制约。

    Although the exertion of the exemption right is independent of the bankruptcy procedure principally , it is still constrained by the bankruptcy procedure .

  30. 上述冲突与被撤销的可能均对除权判决法律效力的确定性产生重要影响。

    The above conflicts and the possibility of recalling both have the crucial influence on the determination of the legal effect regarding invalidating judgment .