
  1. 陈英:我想报道那些你们很少能了解到的人们。

    Chen Ying : I want to write about people you seldom read about .

  2. 副市长陈英等领导和嘉宾出席了奠基仪式。

    Leaders including Vice Mayor Chen Ying and guests were present for the ceremony .

  3. “北京五中的陈英老师已经体会到了”“尊重教育”“带来的好处。”

    " Chen ying , a class teacher from Beijing No.5 Middle school , has realized the benefits of respect education . "

  4. 你目前的职务由新聘人员陈英接任,请务必做好交接工作。

    We arrange Chen Ying , a new recruit from external resource , to replace your current position . Please ensure to complete the handover before you go to the Marketing Section .