
  • 网络Land trade;Trade by Road;Trade by roadway;Trade ty Roadway
  1. 第三部分,对这一时期中西陆路贸易繁荣的原因、作用及特点进行了论述。

    The third part discusses causes , effects and characteristics .

  2. 西夏的崛起对于西北陆路贸易有着强烈的影响。

    The quick development of Tangut exerts a very significant impact on the iuland trade and commerce in the northwest .

  3. 第二部分从官方贡赐贸易的频繁、民间贸易的往来不断和西域胡商的不断东来、外国货币的使用三个方面论述了中西陆路贸易的繁荣。

    The second part discusses prosperity in this period in three ways : frequency of tribute-paying trade , frequency of folk trade and coming of western merchant , using of international money on the Silk Road .

  4. 我国有着漫长的陆上边境,而我国陆路边境贸易作为连接我国与周边国家友好经贸往来的纽带,在发展我国边境地区经济和边境地区对外贸易上曾经起到了十分重要的作用。

    China has long land frontier , and the land frontier traffic , as the economic link between China and the other countries which around us , played a very important role for our frontier economy and the foreign trade .

  5. 陆路与海外贸易的发展,促进了交通事业的发展。

    The increasing transaction sped up the development of traffic .

  6. 在中国,陆路运输国际贸易中扮演着特殊的角色。

    In China , road transport plays special role in the foreign trade transportation .

  7. 这部分根据宋辽、宋夏、宋金陆路民间对外贸易的不同特点,从各自不同的角度论述了宋与辽、夏、金间的陆路民间对外贸易。

    This part basis on the different characteristics of Song , Liao , Song Xia , Song Jin non-governmental smuggling trade , from their different perspectives to discuss non-governmental smuggling trade of Song and Liao , Xia , Jin .

  8. 本文具体探讨了宋与辽、夏、金北方少数民族间的陆路民间对外贸易,和东南沿海地区的海路民间对外贸易,并且将陆路民间对外贸易和海路民间对外易进行了比较。

    This paper attempts at special political and economic background of Song , to explore non-governmental overland foreign trade of the Song and Liao , Xia , Jin minority in northern areas , as well as non-governmental overseas foreign trade in southeast coastal areas .