
  1. 陈胜者,阳城人也。

    Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng .

  2. 阳城电厂500kV送出工程基础设计

    Foundation Design of 500 kV Transmission Works of Yangcheng Power Plant

  3. 选择性催化还原技术在阳城电厂600MW机组的应用

    Application of Selective Catalytic Reduction Technology to 600 MW Unit in Yangcheng Power Plant

  4. 阳城6×350MW机组给水全程控制系统分析

    Analysis on the Feedwater Control System of 6 × 350MW Units in Yangcheng Power Plant

  5. 阳城电厂6×350MW机组特殊技术试验研究

    Test and Study on Special Technology for 6 × 350 MW Units in Yangcheng Power Plant

  6. 本文以山西阳城北留镇为例分析了矿区面临的问题,利用SWOT方法分析了其发展旅游业的优势、机遇、威胁和劣势,探讨旅游开发对区域产业结构的影响以及矿区旅游开发战略。

    The thesis takes Bei Liu for example , analyzing the problems that the region is facing and studies strengths , weakens , opportunities and threatens through the SWOT analysis method . At last the thesis studies the influence of developing tourism and puts forward strategy of tourism exploitation .

  7. 本文对阳城&江苏500kV输电系统的工频过电压、潜供电流以及三相合闸、单相重合闸过电压利用EMTP进行了计算。分析表明,该系统工频过电压符合有关规定;

    The computation of power frequency overvoltage , secondary arc current , 3 phase closing overvoltage and single phase reclosing overvoltage in Yangcheng Jiangsu 500 kV power transmission system by EMTP is presented in this paper .

  8. 笔者依据阳城&淮阴输电系统、黑龙江电网和广东岭奥核电站等发现的多起GIC影响事件,对输电线GIC的基本理论、计算方法、监测技术和分析手段等问题开展了研究工作。

    According to the incidents discovered in Yangcheng - Huaiyin Transmission system , Heilongjiang Power Grid and Guangdong Lingao Nuclear Power Station , the basic theory , calculation method , monitoring technology and analysis means of GIC for transmission line were studied .

  9. 根据阳城电厂所处位置和电网结构的特殊性,发电机宜装设GCB,500kV升压站宜采用1/2接线方式。

    According to location of the plant and special features of the power network structure the generator would better be equipped with GCB and 500 kV booster station be connected with 1 / 2 wiring mode .

  10. 针对阳城&淮阴远距离输电工程中暂态稳定性问题突出的实际情况,考虑到可将现有的固定串补改为可控串补(TCSC),然后利用能量函数控制策略对TCSC实施控制以提高系统暂态稳定性。

    For the Yang Cheng-Huai Yin long distance transmission project of China , it 's considered to replace current Fixed Series Compensation ( FSC ) with Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation ( TCSC ) based on the energy function control strategy for the transient stability enhancement of the power system .

  11. 在对阳城电厂6×350MW机组给水全程自动控制系统结构及工作原理介绍的基础上,简要分析了该系统的设计特点。

    On the basis of analyzing the feedwater control system structure and basic principle of 6 × 350MW units in Yangcheng power plant , the special properties of the system are analyzed .

  12. 山西阳城电厂6台350MW发电机组采用发电机-变压器组接线方式,直接升压到500kV,发电机不设出口断路器(GCB),500kV升压站采用4/3接线方式。

    The 6 × 350 MW electric generators in Shanxi Yangcheng Power Plant uses the generator-transformer bank mode of wiring and the 500 kV booster station adopts 4 / 3 wiring mode without GCB at the exit of the generator .

  13. 介绍了阳城电厂引进的德国SIMANS汽轮机组启动的新特点,表明热应力在机组的启动、运行安全中的重要性和实用性。

    This text introduced the new start up characteristics for yangcheng power plant introduced from Germany 's SIMANS , Express that it is important and practical for heat stress control in start up and safe operation of the power plant .

  14. 以阳城6×350MW机组为例,阐述了汽轮机热应力监测控制技术在机组启停、变工况运行控制中的应用,使机组安全经济运行,减少汽机使用寿命损耗。

    This paper describes thermo stress supervisory control technology applying in unit startup ? shutdown or load changing , citing a example of Yangcheng power plant 6 × 350 MW unit . This technology makes unit operation safe and economic and decreases the loss of turbine lifetime .

  15. 阳城发输电系统运行方式分析

    An Analysis on Operating Mode of Yangcheng Generation and Transmission System

  16. 阳城县水污染状况及防治对策

    The Water Pollution Situation in Yancheng County and the Preventive Countermeasures

  17. 阳城煤炭运销公司发展战略研究

    Research on Yangcheng Coal Sales and Transportation Company 's Development Strategy

  18. 山西阳城送电江苏的方式研究

    A Study on Yangcheng ( Shanxi Province ) Jiangsu Power Transmission Mode

  19. 阳城县农产品质量安全工作存在问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Quality and Safety of Yangcheng Agricultural Products

  20. 热应力监测控制在阳城电厂的应用研究

    The Application of Thermo-stress Supervisory Control in Yangcheng Power Plant

  21. 阳城电厂&山西形象工程

    Yangcheng Power Plant as a Demonstrative Works of Shanxi

  22. 山西阳城县2005年恶性肿瘤死亡资料分析

    An Analysis of Cancer Mortality in 2005 in Yangcheng County , Shanxi Province

  23. 阳城井田煤炭资源开发技术经济分析

    Economic and Technical Analysis of Exploitation the YangCheng Colliery

  24. 阳城县1987年婴儿死亡情况分析

    Analysis of infant mortality in Yangcheng County in 1987

  25. 阳城电厂热控系统的特点分析及改进优化

    The Feature and Optimization of I & C System in Yangcheng Power Plant

  26. 阳城电厂同期并列中一些问题的探讨研究

    The Study of Some Problems on Synchronous Parallel Network of Yangcheng Electric Power Plant

  27. 山西省阳城县小杂粮发展现状与对策

    The Development of Small Grains Present Situation and Countermeasures In Yangcheng , Shanxi Province

  28. 阳城电厂FWW火焰锅炉性能分析

    Characteristics Analysis on FW 's " W " Type Flame Boiler in Yangcheng Power Plant

  29. 阳城电厂选择性催化还原系统及工艺特点介绍

    Presentation of selective catalytic reduction system used in Yangcheng Power Plant and technological features thereof

  30. 2004~2005年阳城县居民恶性肿瘤死亡情况分析

    Analysis of Death Status among Residents from Malignancy in Yangcheng County from 2004 to 2005