
  • 网络air defense missile weapon system
  1. 介绍了一个以防空导弹武器系统为背景,基于高级体系结构(HLA,HighLevelArchitecture)技术实现的包含虚拟现实技术的综合仿真平台。

    A synthetic simulation platform including virtual reality technology based on high level architecture is introduced . The platform is used to support air defense missile weapon system simulation .

  2. D-S证据推理在防空导弹武器系统研制方案优选中的应用

    The Application of D-S Method to Development Plan Optimization of Air Defense Missile Weapon System

  3. 并且,对航天二院防空导弹武器系统成本控制管理DSS系统进行了简要的分析和介绍。

    The thesis also introduces the DSS system of cost control management of antiaircraft missile armament system .

  4. 采用美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会提出的ADC模型,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统拦截巡航导弹的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The paper gives the detailed mathematical model and particularly analyzes and calculates the operational effectiveness of one portable air defense missile weapon system intercepting cruise missiles with ADC model produced by WSEIAC , and derives the calculate result .

  5. 提出了将武器系统自身固有的潜在效能与使命效能相结合的系统效能模糊综合评估方法,并建立了相应的防空导弹武器系统反TBM效能模糊综合评估模型;

    This paper proposes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment method of weapon system effectiveness that combines the inherent ( or latent ) effectiveness and mission effectiveness , and establishes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment model of ATBM effectiveness .

  6. 文中利用WSEIAC模型和随机过程理论,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The detailed mathematical model about the operational effectiveness of the portable air defense missile weapon system is established by WSEIAC and the theory of stochastic process .

  7. 防空导弹武器系统与反辐射导弹的对抗研究

    Countermeasures of air defense missile system against anti - radar missile

  8. 低空防空导弹武器系统模拟训练初探防空导弹颤振研究

    Primary Study of Simulation Training of Low-altitude Air Defense Missile Systems

  9. 防空导弹武器系统中发射装置总体设计初探

    Launcher Design in the Ground Air - defense Missile Weapon System

  10. 现代战争中防空导弹武器系统的光电对抗技术

    Photoelectric countermeasure technology of air defense missile weapon in modern war

  11. 防空导弹武器系统动态组网方式研究

    Study on the Mode of Dynamic Netting in Air-defense Missile System

  12. 防空导弹武器系统仿真导论

    An introduction to simulation of the air defense missile weapon system

  13. 防空导弹武器系统C~3I仿真系统一体化研究

    Research of integrated simulation systems in air defence missile weapon system

  14. 防空导弹武器系统雷电浪涌的防护

    Lightening and Surge Protection Measures of Air Defense Missile Weapon System

  15. 防空导弹武器系统仿真中的坐标变换研究

    Study of Coordinate Conversion in Simulation of Air-defense Missile System

  16. 防空导弹武器系统的发展及未来对策

    Development for the weapon system of air defense missiles and future countermeasures

  17. 防空导弹武器系统射击次数的建模方法

    Modeling Method to Firing Time for Anti-aircraft Missile Weapon System

  18. 防空导弹武器系统抢修性时间参数模型

    The Parameter Model about the Combat Resilience of Antiaircraft Missile Weapon System

  19. 现代防空导弹武器系统仿真策略研究

    The Study on Simulation Protocol of Modern Air Defense Missile Weapon System

  20. 防空导弹武器系统的目标分辨能力对射击效能的影响

    Influence of resolution on firing efficiency in surface to air missile weapon system

  21. 建立了防空导弹武器系统的综合量化评价指标体系。

    The comprehensive evaluation index system of air defence missile has been established .

  22. 防空导弹武器系统目标分配的多种算法

    Algorithms of Target Allocation in Air Defense Missile System

  23. 论现代低空防空导弹武器系统的发展

    Development of Modern Low Altitude Air-defence Missile Weapon System

  24. 系统仿真及其在防空导弹武器系统研制中的应用

    The system simulation and its application in the air defense weapon system development

  25. 野战防空导弹武器系统综合机动性灰色关联度分析

    An analysis of grey correlation degree for overall mobility in field surface-to-air missile systems

  26. 对防空导弹武器系统工程研制过程中若干问题的思考

    Think of Several Problems in Air Defense Missile Weapon System Research and Development Engineering

  27. 提高防空导弹武器系统生存力的基本途径

    Basic Ways of Increasing AAGM Weapon System Survivability

  28. 防空导弹武器系统的信息处理与通信延迟建模

    The delay modeling of information processing and communication of an antiaircraft missile weapon system

  29. 防空导弹武器系统网络化作战统一指令场技术研究

    Research on the Command Field Technique in NCW of Air Defense Missile Weapon System

  30. 层次分析法在防空导弹武器系统综合性能评价中的应用

    Application of AHP to comprehensive performance evaluation of the air defense missile weapon system