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  • geyser
  1. 情绪”间歇泉“效应:大部分压力瘾君子们都有未愈合的情绪伤。

    The emotional geyser effect : Most stress junkies have unhealed emotional wounds .

  2. 例如:在内华达州私人牧场的飞翔间歇泉。

    Take for instance the Fly Geyser on a private ranch in Nevada .

  3. 木卫二上有间歇泉将海水喷射到太空。

    Which has geysers spewing seawater into outer space .

  4. 老信徒温泉是世界有名的间歇泉,1870年被命名。

    The old follower hot spring is the world famous jianxiequan , in1870 isnamed .

  5. 间歇泉向高空喷射水柱。

    Geysers send water shooting into the air .

  6. 但是,这个间歇泉不像其它间歇泉,它喷发的时候毒气也一起冲起来。

    But , unlike any other geyser , this one erupted with a poisonous gas .

  7. 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉;人们从正在喷发的火山那里逃散开去。

    A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring ; people fled from the erupting volcano .

  8. 但土卫二还有个间歇泉,经常向太空喷射水汽和微小冰粒。

    But Enceladus also has geysers that frequently vent water vapor and tiny ice grains into space .

  9. 气体从间歇泉一冲而上,头发也随之飘散在空中,散落在蒂尔拉的大地上。

    The gas pushed out of the geyser and lifted the hair all across the land of Tierra .

  10. 间歇泉是地球表面的一个烟囱,周期性的喷出热水和蒸汽。

    A geyser is a vent in Earth 's surface that periodically ejects a column of hot water and steam .

  11. 温泉、间歇泉、沸泥浆池以及喷气孔是最容易开发的资源

    " Hot springs , geysers , pools of Boiling mud , and fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources . "

  12. 这个国家的火山活动也制造出自然宝藏,如地热水塘、间歇泉和黑沙海滩。

    The country 's volcanic activity also yields natural gems , such as boiling pools , geysers , and black-sand beaches .

  13. 结果表明,管路的长径比和绝热结构对间歇泉现象的产生有较大的影响。

    From the results , it is clear that geysering is significantly affected by the pipe 's structure and insulation conditions .

  14. 这个间歇泉是在1964年勘探地热能源时意外发现的。

    In 1964 it was accidentally created when exploratory drilling for sources ofgeothermal energy tapped in to the natural hot springs .

  15. 世界上著名的间歇泉主要分布在冰岛、美国黄石公园和新西兰北岛的陶波。

    The famous geyser in the world mainly in Iceland , Yellowstone National Park , and New Zealand 's North Island Taupo .

  16. 当大峡谷的狼群沿黄石一带的诺里斯间歇泉盆地走廊奔走的时候,这只年幼的狼好奇地看着照相机。

    This juvenile eyed the camera curiously as the Canyon pack ranged along a power-line corridor near Yellowstone 's Norris Geyser Basin .

  17. 使黄石公园闻名遐迩的是它的间歇泉??就是有非常热的水喷向天空的很特别的地方。

    It 's very famous for its geysers - these are special places where very hot water goes high into the sky .

  18. 今天,黄石国家公园的特色是与其许多天然间歇泉紧密联系在一起的,诸如迄今尚存的“老忠实喷泉”。

    Today , Yellowstone 's identity is closely associated with its powerful , natural geysers such as the ever present : Old Faithful .

  19. 他们希望发射一个探测器,以测试间歇泉的蒸汽羽流,是否在隐藏海洋中含有促成生命的物质。

    They hope to send a probe to test whether the geysers ' plumes of vapor contain life-enabling material from that hidden sea .

  20. 在当地老百姓的流传中,若看见热坑间歇泉的喷发,能给人带来意想不到的好运!

    The spread of the local people , if hot pits to see the eruption of geysers , can bring unexpected good luck !

  21. 羊八井,以拥有包括全中国温度最高的温泉以及间歇泉在内的大量温泉而著名。

    Yambajan is famous for its wide range of hot springs , from ones with the highest temperatures in the country to boiling geysers .

  22. 黄石国家公园,位于怀俄明州,以野生动物例如野牛、麋鹿以及引人入胜的地热特征例如著名的间歇泉闻名;

    Yellowstone National Park , in Wyoming , known for wildlife like bison and elk as well as spectacular geothermal features like its famous geysers ;

  23. 新西兰是一个风景奇美的国度:冰川覆盖的山峦、水流湍急的江河、深邃清澈的湖泊、嘶嘶作响的间歇泉以及沸腾翻滚的泥浆。

    New Zealand is a country of rare beauty : glacial mountains , fast-flowing rivers , deep , clear lakes , hissing geysers and boiling mud .

  24. 一次愤怒或泪水的爆发像一次间歇泉的喷发,减少了内部压力,这样瘾君子可以正常行为,直到压力再一次积累变大。

    An explosion of anger or tears , like a geyser eruption , lessens internal pressure so that the addict can function until the pressure builds up again .

  25. 黄石国家公园以间歇泉、泉和其他地热景观闻名,并且是灰熊、和自由活动的野牛、鹿群的居住地。

    The park is famous for its various geysers , hot springs , and other geothermal features and is home to grizzly bears and wolves , and free-ranging herds of bison and elk .

  26. 就是很小的间歇泉也是一种很奇妙的现象,然而某些间歇泉却可以瞬间喷发千万计加仑的沸腾热水到几百米的高空。

    Even a small geyser is an amazing phenomenon ; however some geysers have eruptions that blast thousands of gallons of boiling hot water up to a few hundred feet in the air .

  27. 水不断从间歇泉喷出,喷向空中高达5英尺(1.5米)。内华达州一个华秀县里的喷泉,其有几个梯田,其水排放到30到40个水塘的区域,其面积达74英亩的。

    Water is constantly released , reaching 5 feet ( 1.5 m ) in the air.The geyser , in Washoe County , Nevada , contains several terracesdischarging water into 30 to 40 pools over an area of 74 acres .

  28. 科学家们对间歇泉口附近的丰富的海洋生物感到奇怪。黄石国家公园以间歇泉、泉和其他地热景观闻名,并且是灰熊、和自由活动的野牛、鹿群的居住地。

    The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents . The park is famous for its various geysers , hot springs , and other geothermal features and is home to grizzly bears and wolves , and free-ranging herds of bison and elk .