
xián zhì zī běn
  • idle capital
  1. 阐述了我国风险投资业存在大量闲置资本运作压力、对经营管理团队的激励和约束机制不健全等基本特点;

    The basic characteristics of venture capital in china , such as the great pressure in idle capital and the inadequate mechanism of inspiration and restraint on the managers , are represented .

  2. 证券投资基金以自身优势积聚社会上的闲散资金,充分利用社会闲置资本,实现社会资金的优化配置,为众多投资者提供较理想的投资渠道,为社会提供较低风险的金融产品。

    Securities investment funds with their own advantages get an accumulation of social idle funds , and the optimal allocation of social funds is achieved by making full use of social idle capital to provide many investors with investment channels , and to provide the community with low-risk investment products .

  3. 在长达两年的时间里一直让金融家闲置资本、工人待业或工厂停工,确实难以接受。

    Two years is a long time for a financier to keep capital un-deployed , or for workers to be in limbo , or production runs to be compromised .

  4. 假如有大量的资本闲置,资本收益率必然下降。

    Another yardstick is the return on capital , which should be falling if there is huge spare capacity .

  5. P2P网络借贷不同于银行和小额信贷公司,而是致力于为有融资需求和投资意愿的人牵线搭桥,为闲置的民间资本寻找投资出口。

    P2P Loan is different from banks and microfinance companies , but is committed to provide a channel for who needs financing and who has willings to invest . It also provides investment outlets for idle private capitals .

  6. 事实说明,产生这种背离的主要原因是货币供应量对资本市场的影响程度相对较大,社会中的闲置资金流向资本市场的现象明显,从而导致资产价格的波动。

    Facts show , produce the departure is the main reason of the money supply to the capital market influence degree of larger , social idle capital flows of capital market phenomenon is obvious , leading to the asset price fluctuations .