
  • 网络flicker effect;scintillation;flash effect
  1. 随着内尺度变大,漂移效应测量的折射率结构常数将大于闪烁效应测量的折射率结构常数,当内尺度达到20mm时,前者的测量结果是后者的3倍;

    With the increase of the inner scale from 0 to 20 mm , values of the refractive index structure constant deduced from beam wander effect are larger than that from scintillation . The biggest difference is 3 times when the inner scale is 20 mm ;

  2. 实际大气中激光闪烁效应的实验观测

    Experimental Observation of Laser Scintillation Effect in Real Atmosphere

  3. 分布式MIMO雷达利用空间分集增益克服目标的闪烁效应,提高对起伏目标的探测性能。

    Distributed MIMO radar makes full use of spatial diversity to overcome the fade of targets and to improve target detection performance .

  4. 大气湍流闪烁效应对激光通信系统影响及补偿技术研究

    Flashes on the Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence Laser Communication Systems and Compensation Technology Research

  5. 利用雨的光闪烁效应测量降水强度

    Measurement of Rain Rates by Optical Scintillation

  6. 光源的闪烁效应及闪烁的测量方法

    The light source flicker and measurement

  7. 对于大气层信道除了背景光之外,还考虑了大气湍流形成的闪烁效应对系统的影响;

    Besides the influence of background noise , the scintillation effect is considered in atmospheric channel .

  8. 大气湍流引起的光束闪烁效应是对链路造成影响的主要因素,这种效应会引起信号光振幅和相位的随机变化,进而影响通信质量。

    Scintillation caused by atmospheric turbulence is the most important effect , which leads to random fluctuation in the amplitude and phase .

  9. 本文还详细报导了图象尖锐度和信噪比,以及抑制闪烁效应和亮度色度串扰等方面可获得的改善。

    In detail , there is reported on the achievable improvement of picture sharpness and signal-to-noise ratio as well as on the reduction of flicker effects and luminance-chrominance-interference .

  10. 本文通过所建立的采样比率模型对多目标的距离闪烁效应进行了理论分析,并从回波频谱畸变的角度解释了其物理本质。

    In this paper , the range glint is analyzed in theory through the model of sample ratio established , and then its physical essence is also expatiated using echo spectrum aberration .

  11. 另一方面,多孔径发射可以明显减弱大气闪烁效应,提高通信质量,并对采用多孔径发射和副载波调制相结合,更能提高系统性能。

    On the other hand , more apertures transmitted technique can weaken atmosphere scintillation effects , and improve communication quality . Using more apertures transmitted technique and subcarrier modulation technique can also improve the communication systems performance further .

  12. 实验结果证实了闪烁放大效应的理论假设。

    Experimental data COHflrmed the theoretical hypothesis of the amplification effects of scintillation .

  13. X射线能谱处理中NaI(Tl)闪烁体边界效应矩阵的蒙特-卡罗计算

    Monte-Carlo calculation of edge effect matrixes in nai ( tl ) detector used for X-ray spectrometry

  14. 在近海面大气边界层中进行了1km路径的水平光传输实验,结果表明:利用闪烁和漂移效应推导的大气折射率结构常数之间存在着较大的差异。

    Scintillation effect of divergent laser beam and beam wander effect of a focused laser beam were experimentally used to deduce the refractive index structure constant in atmospheric boundary layer over 1 km path above sea level . Different measurement results of two methods are observed .

  15. 大气光通信中大气闪烁时间平滑效应研究

    Time - averaging Effects for Atmospheric Scintillation in Atmospheric Optical Communication

  16. 利用闪烁和漂移效应测量大气折射率结构常数的对比分析

    Comparison of refractive index structure constants of atmospheric turbulence deduced from scintillation and beam wander effects

  17. 上述一系列效应对激光信号的传输产生巨大的影响,其中最为重要的影响效应有衰减、光束闪烁及抖动效应。

    These all will produce some other effects that would strongly affect the transmission of laser signals , especially attenuation , coruscation and dithering of beam .

  18. 闪烁体的温度效应

    The effects of water body on temperature

  19. 新型闪烁体的辐照效应

    Irradiation Effect of New Scintillators

  20. 利用大气闪烁的时间平滑效应,增加光电探测器曝光时间是克服大气闪烁对大气光通信的瞄准、捕获、跟踪链路影响的有效途径之一。

    Based on time-averaging effects for atmospheric scintillation , extending photoelectric ( detector 's ) exposure time is one of the effective ways to mitigate the effect of atmospheric scintillation on the link of atmospheric optical communication .

  21. 我们发现两个靠近的量子点的荧光趋于同步闪烁,即荧光闪烁聚束效应。

    We found that two nearby quantum dots were likely to blink synchronously , or to say fluorescence blinking bunching effect .