
mén fēng
  • family customary moral standards and way of life;tradition of a family;family principles
门风 [mén fēng]
  • [tradition of a family;family principles] 旧指某一家、某一族或某一流派世代相传的言行准则和风气

  • 笃学修行,不坠门风。--《颜氏家训.风操》

门风[mén fēng]
  1. 不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  2. 六朝政治转型与吴兴沈氏的门风转向

    The Political Transition of the Six Dynasties and the Transformation of the Shen Family Ethos of Wuxing

  3. 他们家有门风么,走道不拣东西就算丢。

    Their family has the family tradition , the aisle does not sort the thing to lose .

  4. 夏侯玄论&兼论魏晋之际谯郡夏侯氏门风之变化及其门第之上升

    On Xiahou-xuan & and on the Change of the Common Practice and Rise of the Xiahou Family Status

  5. 教育内容广泛,包括学术文化、科技艺术、实用知识、道德门风等方面。

    The contents of education were extensive , covering academic cultural knowledge , scientific technology , practical learning and morality .

  6. 现代派雕塑家明大多·罗索的肖像艺术不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The Portraits of Rosso , the Modernist Sculptor The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  7. 他说,他女儿坏了门风,没结婚就有了孩子。

    His daughter , he said , had disgraced the family , she wasn 't married and she had a child .

  8. 东晋南朝时期,陈郡谢氏家族有着崇佛的门风,这对他们的文学创作产生了很深的影响。

    The Chen 's Xies ' tradition that the family has Buddhism faith , has a very deep impact on their literary creation .

  9. 老公公是一个饱读诗书的秀才,总觉得这样吵下去有伤和谐,有辱门风,让街坊邻居笑话。

    The father-in-law , a well-read scholar believed it would disharmonize and dishonor the family if things went like this , giving others chance to laugh at them .

  10. 为维护家族之门第,琅邪王氏始终坚持门风孝友和练悉朝仪的尚儒传统,这也是王氏始终蝉联不断、簪缨不替的根本所在。

    In order to maintain family status of the family , the Wang always persisted upholding the Confucian tradition . It also was the basic reason that the Wang could continues without interruption .