
zhǎng guān
  • chief;commanding officer;higher-up;senior officer or official
长官 [zhǎng guān]
  • [senior officer or official] 旧指地位高的官吏,也泛指官吏

长官[zhǎng guān]
  1. 这是你长官的直接命令

    That is a direct order from your commanding officer .

  2. 有一辆给指挥部的长官用的紧急逃生车。

    There 's an emergency escape vehicle for use by the commanding officer .

  3. 长官简要向她说了一下可能遇到的情况。

    The officer briefed her on what to expect .

  4. “你可以走了。”——“是,长官。”

    ' You may leave . ' — ' Yes , sir . '

  5. 长官,请您到指挥官的办公室来一下好吗?

    Sir , could you please come to the commanding officer 's office ?

  6. “第三突击队已到这里,长官。”——“很好。”

    ' Strike Force Three are here , sir . ' — ' Good . '

  7. 地方长官被赋予禁止罢工、驱逐嫌疑闹事者的权力。

    The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers .

  8. 俄军士兵尝了一下长官的配给食物,然后高高兴兴地把那些高级食物一扫而光。

    The Russian soldiers sampled the officers ' rations and wolfed the superior food with delight .

  9. 地方长官感到他们一直在受顾问们的愚弄。

    The governors felt that they were being strung along by their advisors .

  10. 士兵必须服从长官。

    Soldiers must obey their officers .

  11. 不要叫我“长官”。

    Don 't address me as " officer " .

  12. 士兵正给长官报告射靶结果。

    The soldier is giving aim to his official .

  13. 是,长官,我马上去办。

    Aye , aye , sir , I 'll do it out of hand .

  14. 我们最好把这个地方收拾一下,上级长官明天要来。

    We 'd better get the place tidied up ; the top brass are coming tomorrow .

  15. 长官,他对舰上的事是懂的,像机器、空气压缩系统、电池组什么的,他全懂。

    Now he knows his way around the boat , sir , he knows the engines , the compressed air system , the batteries , all that .

  16. 下边对他这个长官心怀不服的,故意作对的,可多着哩。

    There were too many men resisting his authority thwarting him .

  17. 长官咧开嘴笑了,接着说,“你把所有的鱼都抓到了?”

    The officer grinned and added , " Ever catch all the fish ? "

  18. 我是国民警卫队的飞行员,我的另一个弟弟是我们部门的长官,我们提出去送托尼。

    Since I was an Army National Guard pilot and my another brother was my crew chief , we offered to take Tony to catch his transport overseas .

  19. 那军官叫住他说:“你要到哪儿去?”“长官,我正尽可能远地躲开我们身后正在进行的战役,”士兵回答说。

    The officer stopped him and said , " Where are you going ? " " I 'm trying to get as far away as possible from the battle that 's going on behind us , sir , " the soldier answered .

  20. 怎么样空军长官John你想回到洗手间而不休息吗

    Be or not Air Marshall John , You wanna get back in that restroom and not rest ,

  21. 当然也是做自己的长官(ofmycommanders)。

    And I was sure of my commanders , too .

  22. Squint先生…是的长官…现在你是大副了.

    Mr. Squint ... Aye sir ... You 're First Mate now .

  23. 昨天,我与大韩民国(RepublicofKorea)外交通商部长官金星焕(Kim)和日本外相松本(Matsumoto)举行了富有成效的三方会谈。

    I had a very productive trilateral meeting yesterday with Foreign Minister Kim of the Republic of Korea and Foreign Minister Matsumoto of Japan .

  24. Index顾问公司的执行长官詹姆斯·钱辟(Janes?Chanmpy)提出的企业再造理论,认为企业可以通过重新塑造业务流程再创奇迹。

    They created Reengineering The Corporation theory , and believed that enterprises are able to create great miracle by means of new business process .

  25. 在加长的圣诞剧集中我们看到Robin终于见到了国王Richard,并且把诺丁汉长官卑鄙的计划告诉了他。

    A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham 's dastardly plans .

  26. 这位维珍集团的老板总裁周三与澳门行政长官何厚铧(edmundho)进行了商谈,目的是敲定相关协议安排。

    The virgin boss held talks on Wednesday with Edmund Ho , Macao chief executive , in a bid to finalise arrangements .

  27. 日本内阁官房副长官HiroshiSuzuki表示,一些内阁大臣已提出了日本舰船开火还击作为自卫的可能性。

    Hiroshi Suzuki , deputy cabinet secretary , said some cabinet ministers had raised the possibility of Japanese ships being able to fire back in self-defence .

  28. 这些新措施是香港行政长官梁振英(LeungChun-ying)在其自去年7月接掌这个700万人口城市以来的首份施政报告中宣布的,意在增强公众对其困境中的任期的支持。

    The new measures , announced by Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying in his first policy address since becoming leader of the city of 7m in July , are designed to bolster public support for his embattled tenure .

  29. 壹个叫NobusukeKishi的高级经济规划人与后来占领山洞区的长官来往密切,而那个长官正是中国人所熟悉的关东军的总长官东条英机。

    A high-ranking economic planner named Nobusuke Kishi worked closely with then commander of the occupying Kanto division , known to the Chinese as the Kwantung Army , General Hideki Tojo .

  30. 班布里奇列兵找我们问私事,长官。

    Private Bainbridge contacted us about a personal matter , sir .