
xiāo xiànɡ shuì
  • output tax
  1. 这个适用于进项税和销项税。

    This applies to input and output tax , for example .

  2. 减少直至取消增值税的税收优惠规定,回复增值税的中性税收面目,以保证增值税抵扣链条的完整性:4、应统一增值税进项税和销项税的确认基础;

    3 , Reduce even cancel tax preference so as to restore VAT 's original character : neutral tax ; 4 , Unify the criteria of the input and output tax confirming ;

  3. 在某种程度上,服务贸易不征收销项税将大大减少相关企业的成本。

    To the extent that the export of services is not subject to output VAT , this represents a significant cost saving for business .

  4. 增值税一般纳税人出售废旧包装物时,应交销项税如何计算?

    Average taxpayer sells value added tax when abolishing thing of second hand packing , should hand in how to sell a duty to calculate ?