
  1. 中资银行资产业务现状及加入WTO的对策

    The Current Situation of Chinese Commercial Banks on Assets Services and the Tactics for the WTO

  2. 商业银行资产业务中的信息不对称及博弈论分析

    Information Asymmetry in Commercial Bank ` s Asset Operation and Game Theory Analysis

  3. 信贷风险是银行资产业务中最直接、经常性的风险。

    Credit risk is the most direct and common risk in the asset business of bank .

  4. 只要不断深化金融体制改革,完善相关法律法规,消除一些片面认识,资产证券化完全可以成为我国银行资产业务运作的目标模式。

    If China intensifies the reform of the financial system , perfects the laws and regulations concerned and removes the one-sided views , asset securitization can certainly be applied in the country as the objective model for its bank asset operation .

  5. 汇率对银行资产业务具有两方面的影响,其一它改变了了部分进出口企业信贷风险,其二汇率的提升对银行业对外投资带来了更多的资金支持。

    Exchange rate influencing on bank assets have two aspects of the business impact : first , it has changed credit risk of some companies with the import and export business ; second , it can increase the banking sector foreign investment with more financial support .

  6. 商业银行零售资产业务的聚合信用风险模型

    Aggregation Credit Risk Model of Retail Business of Commercial Banks

  7. 银行资产保全业务管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Bank Special Assets Resolution Management System

  8. 中小企业信贷业务在商业银行信贷资产业务中的地位越来越重要。

    Extending credit to SMS ( Small-and-Medium-Size ) enterprises is increasingly felt by commercial banks as an important credit asset business .

  9. 但是,我国商业银行的资产业务以贷款为主,而贷款中蕴藏着较大的信用风险。

    But , our country Commercial bank 's asset operation loans primarily , but loans is containing the big credit risks .

  10. 日本商业资产业务模式充分发挥了促进经济稳定与发展的功能,这对发展目前我国商业银行的资产业务模式具有重要的参考意义。

    The functions of promoting the stability and development of the economy . It is significant to develop the property service mode of the Chinese commercial banks in this way .

  11. 文章对银行资产负债业务中隐含期权进行了分解,分析其隐含期权的特征以及各个因素对期权执行可能性的影响。

    This paper decomposes the implied options in the asset and liability operations of bank , analyzes their characters and the impact of different factors on the execution possibility of option .

  12. 东亚商业银行的资产业务收入是商业银行的主要收入,资产业务也是商业银行风险的主要领域。

    The property service income is the main part of all the commerical banks in East Asia , and the property service is also the main source of the risk of commerical banks .

  13. 为了最大程度地分散经营风险,实现利益的最大化,就必须实行商业银行资产负债业务种类的多样化和结构的合理化。

    In order to minimize management risks and maximize profits gained , efforts must be made to diversify the assets and liabilities management of the commercial banks and to rationalize their business structures .

  14. 不过中国平安总经理任汇川(AlexRen)表示,汇丰的退出已经尘埃落定,这些担忧已成为明日黄花,公司正在集中精力拓展银行和资产管理业务。

    But with the dust settled on HSBC 's exit , Ping An 's president , Alex Ren , says those worries are behind the company , which is now focused on expanding its role in banking and asset management .

  15. 但在首席执行官迪克富尔德(dickfuld)的领导下,雷曼兄弟启动了改善其资金状况并向其它国家和其它业务多元化发展的宏伟计划,包括股票、投资银行和资产管理业务。

    However , under Dick Fuld , chief executive , Lehman embarked on an ambitious plan to bolster its capital position and diversify into other countries and businesses , such as equities , investment banking and asset management .

  16. 我国商业银行开展资产托管业务的研究

    The Study on the Assets Trust Business Developed by the Commercial Banks in China

  17. 第七章从防范风险的角度出发,提出了商业银行改善资产托管业务的建议。

    Chapter seven put forwards some proposals to improve the custody business of commercial bank .

  18. 商业银行与资产管理业务方面也呈现出类似的局面,只不过两者的差距没这么极端。

    The story is similar in commercial banking and asset management joint ventures , though the differences are less extreme .

  19. 信贷作为现代商业银行的核心资产业务,受到中外商业银行的普遍重视。

    Credit as a core assets business of modern commercial banks draw universal attention at Chinese and foreign commercial banks .

  20. 它最近在韩国和比利时收购了保险、银行和资产管理业务,接下来有望达成更多非银行金融业务方面的交易。

    It recently bought insurance , banking and asset management businesses in South Korea and Belgium , and more non-bank financial sector deals are expected to follow .

  21. 上述声明发表之际,摩根大通还宣布,由于投资银行和资产管理业务收入强劲,帮助克服了零售银行业务的颓势,公司第四季度收益增长68%。

    The pronouncement came as JPMorgan posted a 68 per cent surge in fourth-quarter earnings as strong investment banking and asset management revenues helped overcome weakness in retail banking .

  22. 个人住房贷款是商业银行主要的资产业务之一,其风险状况与宏观经济环境紧密相关,更直接受到房地产市场形势的影响。

    One of the main assets business of commercial banks & mortgage gets full impact from the real estate market and its risk state is directly affected by macro-economic environment nowadays .

  23. 本文对于克服商业银行在个人资产业务中存在的诸多问题具有现实意义,尤其可以为商业银行改善个人资产业务盈利能力、调整业务结构、优化定价策略、强化风险控制提供具体的工作指导。

    It can provide specific guidance for commercial banks to improve the profitability of personal asset business , the adjustment of business structure , the optimal pricing strategy and the emphasis of risk management .

  24. 可以说,只要银行存在着资产业务,就一定存在着不良资产,也就存在着银行间的贷款分级,存在着控制风险和防范风险的问题。

    It can be said , so long as the bank has the asset operation , certainly has the not good property , also has the loan graduation between the banks , has the control risk and the guard risk question .

  25. 信贷资产业务是国有商业银行主要的资产业务和利润来源,信贷资产的质量、规模和结构,对国有商业银行实现其安全性、盈利性、流动性的经营目标具有关键性和决定性的意义。

    The credit assets business is the principal assets business and the primary source of profit in state-owned commercial bank . The credit asset quality , dimensions and structure are crucial factors in realizing the target of safety , profitability and liquidity of the bank .

  26. 在银行所有的资产业务中,涉及最多也最常用的就是信贷业务,信贷业务中贷款作为主体,一方面是商业银行盈利的来源,另一方面则会给银行带来风险。

    In the bank all the assets of the business , which the largest and most commonly used is the credit business credit business loans as a principal , on the one hand , commercial banks earnings sources , on the other hand , will give the bank risks .

  27. 论我国商业银行的资产重组与业务拓展

    On the Property Recombination and Business Development of Commercial Banks in China

  28. 商业银行探寻资产证券化业务

    Commercial Banks Probe into ABS Business

  29. 商业银行最主要的资产业务是信贷业务,也是其面临的最主要的风险来源。

    Commercial banks ' major asset-related business is Credit Business , which is right the main source of risks .

  30. 信托模式是我国目前开展银行信贷资产证券化业务的最佳证券化模式。

    Bank credit asset securitization built on trust model is the best model choice for China to make in securitization .