
qiān zì
  • type;letter
铅字 [qiān zì]
  • [type] 即活字,用来印刷各种字体,通常用金属制作的长方块

铅字[qiān zì]
  1. 那处修正已经出现在铅字纸上。

    The correction had already been set in type .

  2. 排字工把书面材料排成铅字的人;

    One that sets written material into type ; acompositor or printer .

  3. 当看到我的名字印成铅字时,我感到无比兴奋。

    I got a kick out of seeing my name in print .

  4. 办理保险手续时请阅读小号铅字所写的内容。

    When you take out insurance , read the small print .

  5. 他用铅字笔在书上作记号。

    He made a mark on the book with a marker .

  6. 在印刷技术中,一个铅字由其身向外突出与相邻的铅字相搭接的部分。

    Overhangs the body and so overlaps onto an adjacent piece .

  7. (印刷)未在铅字行的空隙间隔以铅条的。

    ( printing ) not having leads between the lines .

  8. 螺钉用来固定铅字版。固定式灭火系统固定安装的灭火剂供应源

    The screw is for locking up the form . fixed extinguishing system

  9. 用铅字排版和印刷的手艺。

    The craft of composing type and printing from it .

  10. 如在圣经研究中铅字的神学或教义。

    A theory or doctrine of types , as in scriptural studies .

  11. 印刷通过印刷铅字制造(印刷品或印记)

    To produce ( a print or an impression ) from type .

  12. 图象是由滚筒上的凸起铅字印得的。

    Image is transferred from a relief type plate to a roller .

  13. 现在我们短缺这些铅字。

    We are short of these types at present .

  14. 数字式单稳延迟固定螺钉用来固定铅字版。

    Digital monostable delay fix The screw is for locking up the form .

  15. 手墨辘:压印铅字稿样时,用手推加墨的小墨辘。

    Brayer : Small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing .

  16. 这本书要重排铅字。

    The rearrangement type is wanted to this book .

  17. 这螺钉是用来固定铅字版的。

    This screw is for locking up the form .

  18. 使用活动铅字印刷的艺术和技巧。

    Art and technique of printing with movable type .

  19. 印刷字体手工写成的与普通铅字相似的互不相连的字体。

    Written characters not connected to one another and resembling those appearing in print .

  20. 书写体铅字仿造书写体的铅字形式。

    A style of type that imitates handwriting .

  21. 我们的印刷铺常常需要整套的铅字,而在美洲还没有浇铅字的人。

    Our printing-house often wanted sorts , and there was no letter-founder in America ;

  22. 含锡、铅和锑的合金,用于制印刷铅字。

    An alloy of tin and lead and antimony used to make printing type .

  23. 单铸排机,铸排印刷铅字用

    Monotype machine for casting and setting printing type

  24. 用于留声机、铅字或其他浮雕的表面。

    Used in the production of phonograph records , type , or other relief surface .

  25. 沉垫自升式钻井平台印刷厂里放铅字版的沉重的台子。

    The heavy table of a printing press in which the type form is placed .

  26. 书上的铅字总使小霍勒斯着迷。

    The printed word always fascinated horace .

  27. 这本书是用大号铅字印的。

    The book was in large print .

  28. 把铅字的行间空大些。

    Space out the type more .

  29. 这本书用大号铅字印刷。一个印度本地人或居民。

    A native or inhabitant of India . Is the book in print or in manuscript ?

  30. (印刷)这件稿子要用几种铅字排。

    This copy runs on sorts .