
  • 网络Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki;D. T. Suzuki;daisetz suzuki;D.T.Suzuki;suzuki roshi
  1. 有关20世纪西方论说禅之语境的形成,铃木大拙无疑是最为关键性的人物。

    D. T. Suzuki is undoubtedly the most crucial figure in the formation of Zen context of the 20th century in the West .

  2. 胡适和铃木大拙的争论在某种程度上反映了描述性方法和规范性方法的矛盾,更源于他们对宗教和科学性质的不同认识。

    The debate between Hu Shi and DT Suzuki reflects the contradiction between methods of description and prescription , as well as their different understandings of nature of science and religion .