
tiě sǔn hào
  • iron loss
铁损耗[tiě sǔn hào]
  1. 铁基纳米晶软磁合金因具有高的饱和磁化强度、高的磁导率、低的铁损耗以及低廉的成本而成为目前的研究热点。

    Fe-based Nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys have attracted attention because of their high saturation magnetization , high permeability , low iron loss and cheap cost .

  2. 变频器供电的电源电压和电流是非正弦的,存在着高次谐波。由此引起了附加铜损耗、附加铁损耗及谐波杂散损耗。

    For the motor supplied from converter , the waves of the supply voltage and current are non-sinusoidal and contain higher harmonics , thus cause additional copper loss , additional iron loss and harmonic stray loss .

  3. 一种简单实用的机械损耗和铁损耗的分离方法

    A simple and practical method of separating iron loss from mechanical loss

  4. 当使用高温超导线圈制作转子后,所有的铁损耗几乎可以忽略。

    All iron can be eliminated when constructing a rotor with HTS windings .

  5. 电磁轴承支承的实心转子在高速旋转时,除由于空气摩擦产生损耗外,转子内还将产生相当大的铁损耗,而且主要是涡流损耗。

    For solid rotor of radial magnetic bearing , besides the windage loss , the iron losses will be significant when the speed is high , and the eddy current loss will be dominant at high speed .

  6. 在屏蔽泵电机的损耗中,定子屏蔽套损耗很大,有时达到铁损耗的2~3倍,修复后的屏蔽套损耗应维持在原有水平。

    Pump motor in the loss of shielding , the stator shield sets great loss , in some cases , iron loss of2 to3 times the shield repair kits after the loss should be maintained at the same level .

  7. 铁磁损耗对直接转矩控制低速性能的影响及补偿方法研究

    Study of Compensation Method and Iron Loss Influence on DTC Low-speed Performance

  8. 提出了二维空载磁场的有限元模型,求得了铁心中损耗的分布,分析了铁心中磁场及损耗分布的特点。

    A finite element model of two dimensional no-load magnetic field is presented . The loss distribution in core is derived . The characteristics of magnetic field and loss distribution in core are analyzed .

  9. 直流偏置对功率铁氧体损耗影响的计算

    Core loss calculation of power electronic ferrite influenced by DC bias

  10. 微波铁氧体损耗的晶粒表层自旋波共振模型

    A model of microwave loss due to spin wave resonance in grain surface layers

  11. 详细阐述了计算畸变电压条件下变压器低损耗硅钢片铁心中磁滞损耗的一种数字仿真方法。

    This paper describes a digital simulation method for computing the hysteresis losses in low-loss sili - con-iron transformer core under distorted supply voltage conditions in detail .

  12. 本文通过在传统计算方程中增加一个损耗增量系数来实现包括直流偏置影响的功率铁氧体损耗的计算,实验测量结果表明这种方法的计算精度完全可以满足工程要求。

    This paper performs core loss calculation using a new factor added to the equation . It is verified by measurement that the accuracy is sufficient for engineering 's need .

  13. 对添加纳米级SiO2和普通级CaCO3组合对Mn-Zn铁氧体功率损耗的影响进行研究,采用扫描电子显微镜对Mn-Zn铁氧体材料的显微结构、晶界以及元素分布进行观察分析。

    The effect of doped nano-SiO_2 and CaCO_3 on the power loss of Mn-Zn ferrites was investigated , and scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the microstructure , grain boundary and elements distribution of Mn-Zn ferrites .

  14. 高频功率铁氧体磁芯损耗的控制

    Control of Magnetic Core Losses for High Frequency Power Ferrite

  15. 详细分析了功率铁氧体磁芯损耗的组成及其控制方法。

    The components of core losses and their controlling methods are analyzed in detail .

  16. 铁磁材料涡流损耗的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Vortex Loss in Ferromagnetic Materials

  17. 铁耗和环流损耗分布对定子温度场及绝缘外表面散热系数计算的影响

    Influence of Distributions of Circulation Losses and Iron Losses on Stator Temperature Field and Heat Transfer Coefficient 's Calculation of Outer Surface of Insulation

  18. 一定强度的直流偏置会使功率铁氧体的损耗有明显增加,但是传统的铁损计算方程不能包括这种影响。

    Core loss of power electronic ferrite will increase due to DC bias . The traditional calculation equation can not include influence of DC bias .

  19. 其次,根据对定子铁耗及其它损耗的计算,进一步对电机的定子温度场进行计算,得到了铁耗分布对定子温度场的影响。

    Secondly , the stator temperature field is studied based on the calculation of iron loss , and the effect of distribution of iron loss to stator temperature field is got .

  20. 此外,由于定子和转子绕组在气隙中建立的谐波磁势所产生的谐波磁场以不同的速度相对转子和定子运动,在铁心中产生附加损耗。

    In addition , as harmonic magnetic field move at different speeds relative rotor and stator created by harmonic magnetic potential the stator and rotor windings in the air gap , the additional losses were created in the iron core .

  21. 本文提出了变频调速下感应电机效率的计算模型,并提出了整个调速范围内适用的铁耗和杂散损耗的计算方法,并通过实验验证其准确性。最后,进行了电机效率的实验研究。

    This paper puts forwards one calculation method of iron loss and one method of stray loss in the whole operating field . And the model has been validated by the experiment . Finally , the efficiency of the electric machine is researched through the experiment .

  22. 在铁磁共振实验中,通过铁磁共振曲线测量共振线宽十分重要,因为它表示铁磁材料磁损耗的大小。

    It is very important to measure ferromagnetic resonance linewidth △ B by ferromagnetic resonance curves because △ B displays the ferromagnetic loss of magnetic materials .