
  • 网络uranium reconnaissance
  1. 从最初的借鉴国外的方法技术到自主开发、创新,从单一的铀矿普查到多方面综合利用,航空γ能谱测量在我国得到广泛应用,取得了丰硕成果。

    From borrowing foreign methods and technology to developing and innovating independently , from simplex uranium reconnaissance to comprehensive utilization in great fields , the method of airborne gamma ray spectrometry has been widespread used in China , and the plentiful fruits have been gained .

  2. 实践表明,遥感方法不仅对揭示该覆盖区的铀矿分布规律有意义,而且对指导该区进一步铀矿普查与找矿也是有意义的。

    The results have proven to be useful , for revealing the distribution regularities 、 guiding uranium reconnaissance and exploration further in the covering area .

  3. ~(231)Pa测量法在铀矿普查勘探中的应用

    Application of ( 231 ) ~ pa measurement to uranium exploration

  4. 强调贯通型断裂构造和油气对铀成矿所起的重要作用,对今后砂岩型铀矿普查勘探有一定的参考价值。

    The new type is of significance in uranium reconnaissance and exploration .

  5. 裂变径迹法在大面积铀矿普查中的应用研究

    Fission track method for large area exploration of uranium

  6. 放射性方法在铀矿普查中并不总是有效的。

    Radiometric techniques are not always appropriate to the earth for uranium deposits .

  7. 用裂变径迹法进行铀矿普查

    Fission track method for uranium ore exploration

  8. 遥感图象在某地区铀矿普查及矿化预测中的应用效果

    Application of remote sensing image in uranium ore reconnaissance survey and prediction of mineralization in a certain area

  9. 今后在该区进行铀矿普查勘探工作应当注意这一特点。

    It must be pay much attention to this specific characteristics in the future uranium prospecting and exploration in that area .

  10. 用裂变径迹法在未经普查的区域进行了大面积(560km~2)铀矿普查试验,在圈定的铀异常晕位置进行了地表揭露工程,发现了工业品位铀矿的存在。

    A large area ( 560km2 ) exploration of uranium has been carried out and a uranium ore of industrial grade found .