
  • 网络Cobalt;cobalt ore;CoAsS
  1. 作为协议的一部分,中国水电和中国中铁(ChinaRailwayEngineering)获得了两座大型铜钴矿的多数股权。

    Sinohydro and China Railway Engineering received a majority stake in two large copper and cobalt mines as part of the deal .

  2. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  3. p型填充式纳米方钴矿化合物的制备及热电性能的研究

    Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of p-type Filled Skutterudite Compounds with Nanostructure

  4. Na填充型和Fe置换型CoSb3方钴矿热电材料的高温高压制备和热电特性研究

    HPHT Synthesis and TE Properties of Na-filling Type and Fe Substituting Type CoSb_3 Skutterudites TE Materials

  5. Na填充型方钴矿化合物CoSb3的高压合成及电输运特性研究

    Synthesis and Electric Transport Properties of Na-Filled CoSb_3 at High-Pressure

  6. 高压合成La填充型CoSb3方钴矿热电材料及其电输运性能

    High Pressure Synthesis and Electric Transport Properties of La-Filled CoSb_3 Skutterudite Thermoelectric Materials

  7. 铁钴共生钴矿,其MnO含量低,含Fe2O3量高;锰钻共生的钴矿,其MnO、Fe2O3含量都高。

    FeCo intergrowth cobalt ore which contains low amount of MnO and high amount of Fe_2O_3 , and Mn-Co intergrowth cobalt ore which contains high amount of MnO and Fe_2O_3 .

  8. 这种终端市场对供应市场的冻结效应上周进一步得到证实:刚果(金)的铜-钴矿生产商加丹加矿业公司(katangamining)暂停了钴矿部门的运营。

    The freezing effect of the end market on the source market was further confirmed last week when Katanga mining , a copper - cobalt miner in Congo , suspended its cobalt operations .

  9. 本文在回顾了基本热电理论和热电材料的新进展的基础上,对填充型方钴矿LixFe4P(12)、硫族化合物PbTe和PbSe进行了研究。

    After reviewing the basic thermoelectric theories and recent progresses , we investigated filled-skutterudite Li_xFe_4P_ ( 12 ), chalcogenide compounds PbTe and PbSe in this thesis .

  10. 复合和掺杂对CoSb3基填充方钴矿化合物热电性能的影响

    Effect of Composite and Doping on the Transport Properties of CoSb_3-based Filled Skutterudites

  11. 根据CRU的估算,如果Tenke铜钴矿收购完成,中国企业明年将占到全球精炼钴产量的62%左右。

    If the Tenke mine deal goes through , Chinese companies will be responsible for around 62 per cent of global refined cobalt production next year , according to CRU estimates .

  12. 自由港麦克莫兰公司(Freeport-McMoRan)在加丹加省有一座价值30亿美元的铜钴矿,它即将向刚果国家电力公司提供2.2亿美元贷款,以建设一座小型的地方电厂。

    Freeport-McMoRan , which has a $ 3bn copper and cobalt mine in Katanga , is lending Snel $ 220m to build a smaller local power plant .

  13. Tenke铜钴矿位于刚果民主共和国东南部,在省会城市卢本巴希(Lubumbashi)西北约175公里。洛阳钼业表示,去年Tenke钴产量为1.6万吨,其钴储量还可继续开采25年。

    The Tenke mine , which lies in the south-east of the DRC , some 175km north-west of the provincial capital of Lubumbashi , last year produced 16000 tonnes of cobalt and it has reserves that could last 25 years , according to the company .

  14. 青海省某铜钴矿的综合利用研究

    On the Multipurpose Utilization of a Copper-Cobalt Deposit in Qinghai Province

  15. 昆仑造山带钴矿找矿前景初步评价

    Potential for prospecting of cobalt deposits in the Kunlun-Qinling orogenic belt

  16. 云南钴矿地质特征及找矿探讨

    Geological characteristics of cobalt resources in Yunnan and its exploring Guide

  17. 退火时间对铕填充式方钴矿化合物热电性能的影响

    Effects of annealing time on thermoelectric properties of Eu-FILLED skutterudite compounds

  18. 高砷钴矿火法富集过程中砷的污染和治理

    The Pollution and Treatment of As in Fire Concentrate with High Smaltite

  19. 今天人们冒着生命危险在这儿挖钴矿。

    Nowadays people risk their lives in search of cobalt .

  20. 这种类型的钴矿是通常所谓的钴土矿。

    This kind of cobalt ores is generally known as " asbolite " .

  21. 从低品位钴矿制备醋酸钴工艺研究

    Preparation of cobalt acetate from low grade cobalt ore

  22. 某硫化-氧化混合型铜钴矿浮选工艺研究

    A Flotation Process for a Sulfide-Oxidized Cu-Co Mixed Ore

  23. 东昆仑成矿带钴矿成矿系列研究

    Study on the Metallogenic Series of Cobalt Deposits in Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt

  24. 硫钴矿酸浸取动力学研究

    Research on Acid-extracting Kinetics of the Cobalt Pyrite

  25. 这就造成了中国对国外进口钴矿的依存度非常高。

    This has resulted in a very high degree of dependence on imported cobalt mine .

  26. 高硅铜钴矿电炉还原熔炼渣型研究

    Study on Slag of Reductive Smelting in Arc Furnace for Cu-Co Ore Bearing High Silicon

  27. 东昆仑东段钴矿地质特征及潜力浅析

    Geological characteristics of cobalt deposit in east part of east Kunlun and its ore potential

  28. 该地区寻找钴矿具有良好的前景,找矿潜力巨大。

    The area is promising for cobalt ore searching and the potential for prospecting is huge .

  29. 钡铟双原子填充方钴矿基热电材料的制备、热电性能和服役行为

    Preparation , Thermoelectric Properties and Service Behavior of Barium and Indium Double-filled Skutterudite Based Thermoelectric Materials

  30. 作为交换,刚果将把一个合资项目的多数股权让与中国,以开发铜矿和钴矿。

    In return , Congo would cede majority rights in a joint venture to develop copper and cobalt concessions .