
  1. 索尼拥有强大的金融后台,没有什么东西能不让他进入这个巨大市场。

    Sony has a strong financial back and it didn 't enter the DSLR market for nothing .

  2. 在理论研究部分,本文借鉴前人的研究成果,认为承接金融后台服务外包为我国带来的经济效应主要包括就业效应、技术外溢效应和产业结构优化效应。

    In theory , the paper learns from the past research results , points out that undertaking financial back-office services outsourcing can bring employment effect , technological spillovers effect and industrial structure optimization effect .

  3. 金融危机后台商在东南亚投资之分析

    Analysis of the Investments of Taiwanese Businessmen in Southeast Asia after the Financial Crises

  4. 金融业后台和前台的分离更是促进了其离岸外包更迅猛的发展。

    The separation of front - and back-office promoted the offshore outsourcing greater development .

  5. 特别是一些利用比特币进行金融市场后台结算的项目正在筹备之中。

    Notably , initiatives are being launched to use bitcoin for back-office financial markets settlements .

  6. 某开发区网站显示,该开发区到今年底本应雇用1.5万至2万人。其建立初衷是想吸引为金融企业提供后台服务的公司,如数据存储等。

    A development park set up to attract providers of back-office services to financial firms , such as data storage , was supposed to employ 15,000 to 20,000 people by the end of the this year , according to the park 's website .

  7. 20世纪90年代以来,伴随着信息技术和金融创新的发展,金融机构后台业务呈现出与前台业务分离的趋势。

    Since the 90s of the 20th century , along with the development of information technology and financial innovation , back-office businesses of financial institutions have shown the trend of separation with foreground business .

  8. 在国际金融业发展的空间布局和国际竞争态势变化的同时,世界各地金融后台产业园区的建设如雨后春笋般焕发出勃勃生机。

    While the changes of the spatial distribution on development of international financial industry and the statement of international competition , the financial back-office industrial parks are springing up around the world .

  9. 最后根据比较优势原理提出京津冀在金融合作中的合理定位:北京作为区域金融主中心,天津发展区域离岸金融中心和金融创新基地,河北打造金融业后台服务中心。

    Finally , raise reasonable position of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei in financial cooperation according to the principle of comparative advantage . Beijing should be main center of regional finance , Tianjin can develop regional offshore center and financial innovation base . Hebei develop financial background service center .