
  • 网络Venus Transit;The Transit of Venus
  1. 我们正在谈论的是,金星凌日。

    We 're talking about the transit of Venus .

  2. 下一次金星凌日将发生在2117年12月11日。

    The next transit of Venus will take place on Dec. 11 , 2117 .

  3. 2004年6月8日金星凌日Hα色球观测

    H α Chromospheric Observations of the Venus Transit on June 8,2004

  4. 从地球我们可以看到水星和金星凌日;由火星上,还可以看到地球凌日。

    From Earth , one may see transits of Mercury and Venus .

  5. 这是因为这次的金星凌日不会经常发生。

    That 's because these transits of Venus don 't happen often .

  6. 今年金星凌日的观测能帮助研究人员校准仪器,以便得到这些重大突破。

    Observations of this year 's transit of Venus could help researchers calibrate the instruments for making these breakthroughs .

  7. 因为金星凌日很难用肉眼看见,在人类历史上大部份的时期,人们都不知道有这样的事情。

    Because a transit of Venus is barely visible to the naked eye , for most of history humans went about their lives oblivious to such events .

  8. 据《羊城晚报》报道,天文爱好者可以在6月6日上午一饱眼福,观测到本世纪最后一次金星凌日。

    Astronomy enthusiasts across China will be blessed to see on a spectacular transit of Venus on the morning of June 6 , the last such astronomical phenomenon in the century , Yangcheng Evening News reported .

  9. 今天,在大约7个小时的时间内,至少从我们在地球上的角度观测,金星会在太阳的前面经过。这种现象被称为金星凌日。

    And today , for about seven hours , Venus will be passing in front of the sun , at least from theperspectiveof us here on Earth . It 's called thetransitof Venus .