
  • 网络Jintang Bridge
  1. 金塘大桥60m预制箱梁的安装与体系转换

    Installation and System Conversion of 60 m Precast Box Girder of Jintang Bridge

  2. 金塘大桥非通航孔桥预应力束的理论伸长量计算

    Theoretical Elongation of Prestressing Cable of Non-navigable Span of Jintang Bridge

  3. 金塘大桥承台海工高性能混凝土的配制技术

    Preparation Technology of Marine Engineering High Performance Concrete in Jintang Bridge Platform

  4. 金塘大桥浪溅区混凝土结构的裂缝控制

    Cracking Control Technique of Concrete Structure in Splash Zone of Jintang Bridge

  5. 金塘大桥非通航孔现浇墩身模板施工技术

    Construction technology of Jintang large Bridge non-navigable span cast-in-place pier body template

  6. 金塘大桥非通航孔桥支座安装施工技术

    The Installation Technology of Support Saddle over the Non-navigable Span of Jintang Bridge

  7. 金塘大桥桥轴线优化及建桥对水流和航道的影响

    Optimization of the Jintang Bridge 's axis and the influence of the bridge on the water flow and navigation channel

  8. 本文以在建中的金塘大桥的索塔锚固区剪力键选型试验和节段足尺模型试验为项目背景。

    The type of shear connectors selection test and full-scale model test for the anchorage zone segment of Jintang Bridge , which is under-construction , were the project background .

  9. 针对金塘大桥承台数量多、混凝土量大、强度高、所处环境恶劣等特点研究海工大体积混凝土的配制技术。

    Considering the characteristics of Jintang Bridge , such as the quantity of platform and the volume of concrete are large , the concrete strength grade is high , and the environment conditions around it are terrible , authors study the preparation technology of marine engineering mass concrete .

  10. 以金塘大桥索塔锚固区首次采用的拉索锚固结构为背景,对其进行足尺模型试验研究。

    Some useful conclusions are obtained by the parametric study . 3 、 Taking the composite structure of steel anchor beam and steel corbel as project background , which is firstly used in the anchorage zone of Jintang bridge , a full scale segmental model test is performed .