
jīn gāng yīng wǔ
  • scarlet macaw
金刚鹦鹉[jīn gāng yīng wǔ]
  1. 一只金刚鹦鹉站在栖木上冲他尖叫。

    A macaw screeched at him from its perch .

  2. 晨光下,小鹦鹉、巨嘴鸟和翅膀鲜蓝的金刚鹦鹉展翼翱翔

    Against it , parakeets and toucans and blue-winged macaws swoop .

  3. 2011年时他告诉网站鸟类频道(BirdChannel),我想拍摄有关最稀有的鸟类的故事,斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的确就是最稀有的。

    I wanted [ to feature ] the rarest bird , he told the website Bird Channel in 2011 . The Spix 's macaw truly is the rarest .

  4. Crown介绍说,阿纳萨齐吸收了其他来自墨西哥的外来文化,如保留了红色金刚鹦鹉和铜铃铛,但是我们不知道他们是否同样食用可可豆。

    The Anasazi imported other exotic items from Mexico , such as live scarlet macaws and copper bells , but we did not know that they were getting cacao too , says Crown .

  5. 紫蓝金刚鹦鹉饮食上需要坚硬的果仁,如棕榈果仁。

    Hyacinth macaws need hard-shelled nuts in their diets , such as palm nuts .

  6. 前几天有没有人要卖给你一只金刚鹦鹉?

    Has anyone tried to sell you a macaw in the last few days ?

  7. 普雷斯利是这群斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的希望,可以给予它们很迫切需要的不同基因。

    Presley offered the opportunity to inject some much-needed genetic diversity into the population .

  8. 金刚鹦鹉布鲁是个孤儿,他打算试飞一下以测试自己的胆量。

    Blu , an orphan baby macaw , tests his courage with a trial flight .

  9. 金刚鹦鹉用嘴整理它的羽毛。

    A macaw preens its feathers .

  10. 突然走私者来了,把这只金刚鹦鹉带到了美国明尼苏达州一座被白雪覆盖的小镇。

    Suddenly smugglers arrive , and take the macaw to a snow-covered town in Minnesota , US .

  11. 一对红绿金刚鹦鹉在玻利维亚国家湿地公园的森林上空飞翔。

    A mated pair of red-and-green macaws soars above the forest in Bolivia 's Madidi National Park .

  12. 对,四点请过来看一看乌秀金刚鹦鹉戴帽子。

    LIPSON : Yes , and come see the bird show at 4 . The macaws wear hats .

  13. 这些本土的巴西雀(斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉)属于濒危物种,估计已经在野外灭绝。

    Critically endangered , these native Brazilian birds ( Cyanopsitta spixii ) are believed to be extinct in the wild .

  14. 金刚鹦鹉系容易被颜色吸引的,所以可提供多种颜色和质地的食物。

    The macaw parrots are attracted to colors , so offer a variety of colors and textures in their food .

  15. 这里还有金刚鹦鹉,很多人认为它是其物种当中体积最大、最漂亮的一个。

    There is the Macaw parrot , considered by many to be the largest and most beautiful of its species .

  16. 他访问的最后一个王国送给他一对小金刚鹦鹉。

    He was given a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting .

  17. 于是,回国后,他请来了一位驯鸟师,训练这对金刚鹦鹉。

    So , upon returning to his kingdom , he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train the Macaw parrots .

  18. 说完她马上走到自己的办公桌边,在老地方挂起那顶插有金刚鹦鹉毛的黑色无边帽。

    And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place .

  19. 有报告指出,普雷斯利影响了2011年的动画影片《里约大冒险》。那是有关一只雄性的斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的故事。

    There are reports that Presley himself influenced the 2011 movie Rio , an animated film that tells the tale of a lone male Spix 's macaw .

  20. 生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。鸟目,由鹦鹉、巴西鹦鹉、葵花鹦鹉、小五彩鹦鹉、五彩鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、长尾鹦鹉等组成。

    White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest . an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets .

  21. 影片的主角金刚鹦鹉布鲁刚出场时还是一只小小的雏鸟,他在里约热内卢的森林中和其他鸟类朋友们一同欢歌热舞。

    When we first meet him , Blu is a baby macaw who is celebrating and dancing with his feathered friends in the jungles of Rio de Janeiro .

  22. 多年来的森林砍伐和猖獗的野生动物走私已经逼使这种中型金刚鹦鹉走投无路,更要与新引进的非洲化蜜蜂(杀人蜂)争夺筑巢之所。

    Decades of deforestation and rampant wildlife trafficking have besieged the medium-size macaws , who also ended up having to compete for nest space with introduced Africanized honeybees .

  23. 爱鸟者的福音。增加了画眉、金刚鹦鹉、驼鸟和海鸥的声音。放出来看看你能不能辨别出是哪种鸟。

    Great for bird lovers . Insert the calls of a Blackbird , Macaw , Ostrich and Seagulls . Play a sound and see if someone can guess the bird .

  24. 续集《里约大冒险2》将于今年上映,故事讲述布鲁和珠儿在巴西亚马逊,遇上一群此前未知存在的斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的故事。

    Released this year , an optimistic sequel , Rio 2 , follows Blu and Jewel as they encounter a hidden population of Spix 's macaws in the Brazilian Amazon .

  25. 在第二部中,鹦鹉们的劲敌不再是邪恶的鸟贩子,而是由一群破坏金刚鹦鹉家园&热带雨林的非法伐木工。

    The evil bird smugglers of the original movie are replaced by threats to the rainforest habitat , as a group of illegal loggers encroaches on the macaws ' home in the jungle .

  26. 目前,只有少于100只斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉存活,它们被隔离在养殖计划里接受监控,在全球各国之间寻求避难所。其中,有少数的鹦鹉更因为近亲繁殖而容易产生基因缺陷。

    Now , the fewer than 100 remaining Spix 's macaws are cloistered in captive breeding programs and refuges throughout the world - and the small population is vulnerable to genetic defects caused by inbreeding .

  27. 这是一只斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,名叫普雷斯利。周三那天它离世了,约四十岁,被认为是世上最后倒数第二只野生斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉。

    The bird was a Spix 's macaw named Presley , and he was around 40 years old when he died Wednesday . He was thought to be the second-to-last of the remaining wild-born parrots .

  28. 夏绿蒂·俄伦布克带我们探访鳄鱼、水獭、淡水龟,水虎鱼和粉红色河海豚。而水面上,金刚鹦鹉和鹦鹉为亚马逊注入活力和色彩。

    Charlotte takes us on a journey through the streams , rivers , swamps and lakes of the Amazon to find crocodiles , giant river otters , pink dolphins and flocks of brilliantly coloured parrots and macaws .

  29. 紧接上一部电影,《里约大冒险2》将镜头拉到了数年之后,金刚鹦鹉布鲁(杰西艾森伯格配音)、珠儿(安妮海瑟薇配音)与他们的三个孩子在里约热内卢市中心过着安逸的生活。

    A few years after where the first film left off , macaws Blu ( Jesse Eisenberg ), Jewel ( Anne Hathaway ) and their three kids are living an ordinary life in the center of Rio de Janeiro .