
jīn jù
  • Hardware;armour clamp
金具[jīn jù]
  1. 高压输电线体系通常是指钢芯铝绞导(地)线、绝缘子及金具等共同组成的,主要用于高压、超高压或特高压输电的连续架空结构体系。

    High voltage transmission line system , usually made up of steel-cored aluminum ( ground ) strand , insulator and armour clamp , is mainly used in high voltage , ultrahigh voltage transmission overhead structure system .

  2. 安装ADSS和OPGW光缆使用的主要金具(1)

    The main hardwares for installation of ADSS and OPGW optical cable ( 1 )

  3. Fe-Mn基奥氏体无磁钢在节能电力金具上的应用研究

    The Research of Fe-Mn Based Austenitic Nonmagnetic Steels Applied to Energy Saving Electrical Fittings

  4. 介绍了OPGW光纤复合架空地线的设计过程,并从OPGW的结构选型、热稳定、力学计算以及配套金具等几个方面进行了阐述。

    The paper introduces the design process of optical fiber composite ground wires ( OPGW ) in the light of structure type selection , heat stability , mechanics calculation and the kit fittings .

  5. 1000kV特高压输电线路配套金具研制

    R & D of Complete Fittings for 1000 kV UHV Transmission Line

  6. 文章介绍了OPGW光缆在解决黄河河沟大跨越工程中的应用实例,重点分析了工程对OPGW光缆及其金具在设计和施工中的要求。

    The paper introduces the application case of OPGW cable in long span cross over the Yellow River . Analyses the requirements about OPGW cable and the accessories during the project designed and constructed .

  7. 750kV六分裂输电线路配套金具研制中的技术创新

    Technical Renovation in Development of Completed Hardware for 750 kV 6-bundle Transmission Lines

  8. 高海拔地区750kV变电站防晕型金具的研究与应用

    Research and application on corona-proof fittings in 750 kV substation in high altitude area

  9. 通过分析10kV架空绝缘导线雷击断线的机理,比较国内外架空绝缘导线雷击断线防护技术措施的特点,提出采用穿刺型防弧金具防护雷击断线这一技术手段。

    On the basis of analyzing the lightning-induced breakage mechanism of 10 kV overhead insulated conductors , foreign and Chinese techniques of preventing overhead insulated conductors from breaking are compared , and the use of stab-type arc-protection fitting for the said purpose is presented with corresponding mechanism expounded .

  10. 当导线通流量达到1200A、导线温度稳定在210℃时,接续管温度稳定在74℃,耐张线夹温度稳定在60℃,均低于金具80℃要求;

    As the conductor through-flow is up to 1 200 A , the conductor temperature is stabilized at 210 ℃, connecting tube at 74 ℃ and strained clamp at 60 ℃ . All of them is lower than 80 ℃ required for the fittings .

  11. 高温低弧垂导线配套金具的试验研究

    Study and Test on Matched Fittings for High-temperature and Low-sag Conductor

  12. 大截面电力金具铝铸件缩孔裂纹缺陷的防止

    Prevent and Control of Large Section Electric Power Fittings ' Defects

  13. 配电线路电力金具耗能问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Loss of Energy for Distribution Line Hardware

  14. 碳纤维复合芯铝导线国产金具的研制与应用

    Study and Application of Domestic Carbon Fiber Compound Core Conductor Fittings

  15. 预绞丝金具产品质量控制及其特点分析

    Quality Control of Fitting Product of Pre-stranded Wire and Its Characteristic Analysis

  16. GB/T2317-1985电力金具验收规则、试验方法、标志与包装

    " Fittings acceptance inspection , test methods , marking and packing "

  17. 电力金具冻裂原因分析及预防措施

    Cause Analysis and Preventive Measures of Line Hardware Frost Crack

  18. 合成绝缘子金具结构分析

    The analysis of the ironware structure of the composite insulator

  19. 防振金具在架空线路上的应用

    Application of Anti - vibration Hardware in Overhead Transmission Lines

  20. 复合绝缘子端部金具连接区界面密封工艺的研究

    Study on Sealing Procedure on Interface of Composite Insulator With End Fitting

  21. 两种新型输电线路金具生产与性能测试

    Production Technology and Electrical Performance Test of Two New Transmission Line Hardwares

  22. 浅论铝合金金具铸造方法

    Primary Discussion about Casting Method for Aluminum Alloy Hardwares

  23. 在所述的子导线金具上还设置有屏蔽环。

    Shielding rings are further arranged on the branch conducting wire hardware fittings .

  24. 大跨越输电塔绝缘子金具的静风载荷分析

    Analysis of wind load on the Insulators Hardware of Long Span Transmission Tower

  25. 电力金具的热浸镀锌

    Hot Dip Galvanizing for Electric Power Metal Fittings

  26. 在刑事和解制度中,经济抚慰金具有良好的威慑效益。

    As to the criminal reconciliation system , economic solarium boasts good deterrent benefit .

  27. 输电线路大跨越金具系列化设计

    Design of Seriation Fittings for Large Crossing

  28. 针对输电线路上可锻铸铁金具在交变电流的作用下产生磁滞和涡流损耗。

    Malleable cast ironware produces hysteresis and eddy current loss under alternating current in transmission !

  29. 大跨越金具系列化研究

    Research of Fittings for Large Crossing

  30. 高强度金具的研制

    Development of High Strength Hardware