
liàng cí
  • quantifier;classifier;measure word;operator;partitive;unit word;measure term
量词 [liàng cí]
  • [classifier; partitive; quantitafier; measure term; unit word] 与代表可计数或可量度物体的名词连用或与数词连用的词或词素,常用来指示某一类别,为名词所指派的物体可按其形状或功用而被归入这一类别(如汉语三本书中的本)

量词[liàng cí]
  1. 量词口的句法认知基础浅探

    Cognitive Foundations of the Classifier KOU an d its Syntactic Behaviors

  2. 量词来源于名词、动词和少数形容词。

    Classifier , stems from nouns , verbs and certain adjectives .

  3. 比较级、最高级、模糊限制语、数词、量词和代词也出现在广告中

    Comparatives , superlatives , hedges , numerals , quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements .

  4. RESOLUTION采用消解原理证明带量词的验证条件。

    The RESOLUTION adopts the principle of resolution to prove verification conditions with quantifiers .

  5. 这一算法依赖于Hilbert第17问题的一系列经典研究结果以及实闭域上量词消去的柱形代数剖分算法。

    The algorithm is based on a series of research results of Hilbert 17th problem and Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition .

  6. 一种多值规则量词公式的tableau的方法

    A Kind of Tableau Reasoning Method with Quantifiers in Many-valued Regular Logic

  7. 研究人工智能知识表示方法及PAR方法的量词变换规则,组织基于规则推导的规则库。

    Investigated AI knowledge representation method and predicate transformation in PAR method ; Constructed a rule base for rule-based reasoning ;

  8. 本课题结合《HSK量词学习词典》编纂工作,探讨语料库技术的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses how corpus is utilized in dealing with problems in making A Dictionary of Measure Words in HSK .

  9. 完全二叉树的一阶理论已被证明具有量词消去的性质,进而计算了完全二叉树模型中元素的CB秩。

    The first-order theory of a complete binary tree is decidable by the quantifier elimination , we also know the CB rank of elements of a complete binary tree .

  10. 基于一阶谓词逻辑的PROLOG语言不允许量词作用于谓词,这限制了它的表达和处理范围。

    PROLOG , a kind of first-order logic-based language , doesn 't permit quantification over predicates in grammer sense , hence the expressive range suitable for this language is decreased .

  11. MSR用基于一阶原子公式的类型化的多重集重写规则描述协议动作,用存在量词模拟新鲜数的产生,是一种精确、灵活的密码协议形式化模型。

    The model uses strongly typed multiset rewriting over firs order atomic formulas to express protocol actions and relies on a form of existential quantification to symbolically model the generation of fresh data .

  12. 含有量词的一阶多值Tableau方法具有统一的扩展规则,并由Zabel等人给出了可靠性和完备性的证明。

    Tableau method with quantifiers in first order many valued logic exist uniform expansion rules , and sound and complete have been proved by Zabel et al .

  13. 在量词重叠式出现的话题句中,话题基础生成在TopP的Spec位置,其余部分生成过程如同含都的周遍性主语句。

    In topic sentences , the topic is base-generated at spec position of TopP . The rest generation process of topic sentences is similar to that of universally-quantified subject sentences .

  14. QBF是一种具有量词前缀的命题逻辑公式,该公式中的变量都是由存在量词或者全称量词限制。

    QBF Formulae is propositional logic formulae with existential or universal quantifiers to every variable in prefix .

  15. 根据上述分析,通过V-to-v移动,采用量词提升法,我们也能够推导出汉语关系从句中的先行语删除结构。

    If our analysis is adopted , we can derive Chinese ACD in relative clauses via V-to-v under the QR approach without infinite regress .

  16. C.S.Peirce用解释者和回答者的两人博弈说明量词的语义,从而成为这一理论的先驱。

    Peirce is considered as one of the precursors of this method who employed interpreters and answers to explain the semantics of quantifiers in two-player games .

  17. 《红楼梦》量词研究

    A Study on the Classifiers in Dream of the Red Mansion

  18. 下一个例子显示了带重复量词的回溯。

    This next example shows how backtracking works with repetition quantifiers .

  19. 汉语名词、量词匹配问题研究

    Study on the Matching Relationship between Nouns and Classifiers in Chinese

  20. 量词消去法在完全理论证明中的应用

    Application of Elimination of Quantifiers in the Proof of Complete Theory

  21. 量词和日期很可能有一个有效范围。

    Quantifiers and dates are likely to have a valid range .

  22. 量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点。

    The teaching of Chinese classifiers is a nodus in TCFL .

  23. 山西大同方言中个的非量词用法

    Non-quantitative Usages of " Ge " in Datong Dialect , Shanxi

  24. 常用名量词的语义特征及语用功能研究

    Researching of Semantic Features and Pragmatic Functions of Common Noun-measure Words

  25. 表物体形状的量词的认知基础

    The Cognitive Foundations of the Shape based Classifiers in Modern Chinese

  26. 模糊量词理论的研究及其在气象预报中的应用

    The Research of Fuzzy Quantifier and Its Application in Weather Forecasting

  27. 量词是汉语中较为特别的一类词。

    Quantifier is more particularly a class of words in Chinese .

  28. 文学作品中名词临时借用为量词的现象分析

    The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Noun Being Used as Quantifier Temporarily

  29. 明代四大传奇量词研究

    A Study on the Classifiers in the Four Legends in Ming Dynasty

  30. 近代汉语量词研究较为薄弱。

    The study of quantifier is still rather weak in modern Chinese .