
  • 网络extractive industries;mining;Excavation;Mining and Quarrying
  1. 石油交易可能将面临新的披露规则,这是因为《采掘业透明度行动计划》(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative,简称eiti)已开始讨论如何将国有石油公司和交易商之间的交易纳入披露范围。

    Oil trading is likely to come under new disclosure rules as the industry-backed Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative discusses how to include deals between national oil companies and traders .

  2. 作为美国和欧盟新法基础的《采掘业透明度行动计划》(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative)以及其他相关努力,迄今已经把矛头对准了燃料和矿物开采。

    The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative , on which new US and EU laws are based , and other efforts have so far targeted the activity of taking fuel and minerals out of the ground .

  3. 适用于煤炭采掘业ERP系统的业务模型设计与研究

    Study and Design of ERP System for Coal-mining Enterprise

  4. PapuaNewGuinea和EquatorialGuinea是两个大型采掘业所在地,都属于欠发达地区。

    Papua New Guinea and Equatorial Guinea - both undeveloped places with big extractive industries - are longstanding examples .

  5. 采掘业、石油行业、化学工业、金属冶炼等行业和部门是CO2的高排放部门,但同时也是实现减排较有潜力的部门。

    Mining , oil industry , chemical industry , and metal smelting industry are high CO2-emission industries , but meanwhile they have more potential to abate their CO2 emissions .

  6. 针对煤炭采掘业信息管理模式的特点,基于制造业ERP系统的理论,构建适用于煤炭采掘这种非制造企业的ERP系统的业务流程模型。

    According to the characteristics of information management mode of coal-mining enterprise , based on the theory of manufacturing industry ERP system , business process model for coal-mining enterprise ERP has been constructed for non-manufacturing industry .

  7. 最后,建立了五个股票板块的IPO定价模型,包括一个大样本模型信息板块,四个小样本模型采掘业板块、金融服务板块、商业贸易板块和社会服务板块。

    Finally , IPO pricing models are established which includes one large sample model of information board and four small sample models consisting of mining board , finance board , commerce board and social service board .

  8. 南非采掘业产出目前降至50年来的最低点,产业规模也较1994年非国大(anc)首次掌权时小得多,那时候采掘业尚贡献了南非gdp的9%。

    Output has now dropped to its lowest level for 50 years and the industry is much smaller than it was in 1994 , when the ANC first came to power and mining still represented 9 % of GDP .

  9. 采掘业动议(EITI++)依托现有涉及多个利益相关方的采掘业透明度倡议(EITI)的透明和良政治理理念。

    The EITI + + builds on the transparency and good governance concepts of the existing multi-stakeholder Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative ( EITI ) .

  10. 为规范石油天然气行业特殊的交易或事项,美国等国家和国际会计准则理事会(IASB)都发布了专门的石油天然气会计准则或采掘业会计准则。

    In order to making criterion for oil and gas industry special business , the USA and IASB etc promulgated oil and gas ac - counting standard or mining accounting standard .

  11. 本文通过实例分析,总结介绍了清洁生产的指标分析法在煤炭采掘业环境影响评价(EIA)中的具体应用,为煤炭采掘项目环境影响中的清洁生产评价提供了新的思路与方法。

    Through the case analysis , the article introduces the clean production-index analysis used in EIA in coal mining , and puts forward effective thinking-ways in clean production , so as to provide instructive method in EIA in coal mining .

  12. 在不同海外并购行业的EVA绩效上,只有采掘业的EVA值在四年窗口期中均为正值,并朝着理想的方向发展,其他行业的EVA均值都出现了逐年下降的趋势。

    Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions in different industries on the performance of the EVA , the EVA is only extractive industries in the four-year window period values are positive , and toward the desired direction , average EVA in other industries have suffered declining trend .

  13. 上市公司总体税负存在行业差异,2004年度采掘业、房地产业等五个行业平均总体税负较高;

    There is different form industry , mining and estate are higher ;

  14. 采掘业、制造业就业人数减少,而基础设施就业人数增加;

    The employment in excavating industry decreases while the employment in infrastructure increases .

  15. 宝石采掘业的情况也是如此。

    So , also , in the case of a mine of precious stones .

  16. ⑶提出采掘业产业集群发展对策。

    ⑶ Extractive industry cluster development measures .

  17. 液压挖掘机作为重要的工程机械,广泛应用在各种土石方施工和矿山采掘业中。

    As important engineering machine , hydraulic excavator is widely used in earthwork construction and mine exploitation .

  18. 电力行业和煤炭采掘业为控制资源、污染的关键部门。

    The power industry and the coal mining industry were the key sectors of controlling the resource input and pollution discharge .

  19. 制造业占整个中国投资份额也因采掘业的发展由22%增加到29%。

    Manufacturing 's share of total Chinese investment ( 22 % ) is catching up fast with mining ( 29 % ) .

  20. 虽然中国对非洲总投资在2015年上半年大幅回落,但对采掘业的投资几乎翻了一番。

    Even as its total investments fell back sharply in the first half of 2015 , investment into extractive industries nearly doubled .

  21. 影响我国工业品出厂价格指数的主要因素分别是采掘业和农产品相关工业,以这两类行业为代表的因子可以解释整个部门体系价格变动近90%的信息。

    The major factors which affect China 's Producer 's Product Index are the mining industry and the industry related to agricultural products .

  22. 对这57个项目进行因素分析后划分为6个分量表,分别命名为个性特质、动机取向、专业技能、工作态度、关系建立、管理素质,可以满足测评采掘业一线管理人员胜任特征的要求。

    These sub-scales is divided into Personal traits , Motivation orientation , Professional skills , Attitude , Relationship building , Quality of management quality .

  23. 各国政府必须接受一个现实:采掘业是一个资本密集型的产业,同时应该避免在这类资源项目的漫长生命中,不断改动资源使用费率和税制。

    Governments must accept that extractive industries are capital-intensive and avoid fiddling with royalty and tax regimes over the long life of resource projects .

  24. 本文主要针对我国采掘业跨国经营的具体情况,切实地从企业和政府的视角来分析跨国经营政治风险的管理策略和风险评估方法。

    This paper is to analyze the international business political risk management strategies and risk assessment methodology in the view of government and company .

  25. 批发零售业和采掘业脱钩指标,规律性不强,不呈现脱钩趋势。

    The regularity of decoupling index of wholesale and retail trade and mining sectors is not obvious , and don ' tshow a decoupling trend .

  26. 过去十年中,中国经历了自己对外直接投资的激增,尤其是在能源和其他采掘业方面。

    In the last decade , China has experienced a boom in its own outbound foreign direct investment , especially in energy and other extractive industries .

  27. 上海、江苏和浙江相比,上海除了金融服务业、租赁业和商务服务业、农业和采掘业,其它产业相似程度很高。

    Comparing with Jiangsu and Zhejiang , Shanghai industries are almost the same apart from the financial services , leasing and business services , agriculture and excavation .

  28. 西北地区工业优势产业只集中在以采掘业和资源初加工为主的产业中,资源型产业优势较为明显。

    On one hand , the advantageous industry of the Northwest only focus on mining and resources primary processing , thus the resource-based industry becomes its remarkable advantage .

  29. 随着国内煤矿采掘业的蓬勃发展,矿用潜水电泵的需求量逐年递增,其主要用于矿内输送含有沙子、泥浆、矿渣等固体介质的污水。

    With the booming industry of mining , submersible mining pump used in pumping domestic water containing sand 、 slag and other solid material increased year by year .

  30. 就算不考虑采掘业的影响,我在非洲各地都看到这块大陆复兴的迹象。

    In spite of these needs , and the fundamental economics of resource extraction , everywhere I travel in Africa , I see signs of a continent rising .