
  • 网络Chlorhexidine Acetate;hibitane
  1. HPLC法测定复方保健药液Ⅰ号中醋酸洗必泰的含量

    Determination of Chlorhexidine Acetate in Compound Solution by HPLC

  2. HPLC法测定双唑泰泡腾片中甲硝唑、克霉唑和醋酸洗必泰的含量

    HPLC Determination of Metronidazole , Clotrimazole and Chlorhexidine Acetate in Their Compound Effervescent Tablets

  3. 本文应用双波长分光光度法,在231nm、284.5nm和317nm波长处,以硼砂缓冲液(pH8.2)作溶剂,直接测定替硝唑和醋酸洗必泰的含量,方法简便,结果准确。

    This paper reported the quantitative determination of tinidazole and chlorhexidine acetate in the compound Tinidazole gargle by double wavelength spectrometry at wavelengths of 231.0 nm , 284.5 nm and 317.0 nm .

  4. 显色反应在醋酸洗必泰测定中的应用

    Application of the Determining the Reaction between Chlorhexidine and Alzarin Bordeaux

  5. 醋酸洗必泰与茜素络合物显色反应的研究

    Study of the reaction between chlorhexidine acetate and Alizarin complexone

  6. 复方醋酸洗必泰溶液测定方法的研究

    Studies on Determination of compound chlorhexidine acetate solution

  7. 本文采用二阶导数分光光度法直接测定醋酸洗必泰漱口液的含量。

    The paper reportes the direct determination of chlorhexidine Acetate Gargle by Second derivative spectrophotometry .

  8. 在三种培养基中加入不同量吐温80,进行醋酸洗必泰栓的金黄色葡萄球菌检验。

    Different Volume of Tween-80 was added to three different media in order to test theStaphyloccus aureus in Chlorhexidine Acetate Suppository .

  9. 目的:建立醋酸洗必泰含漱剂中醋酸洗必泰的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To develope an assay method for the determination of chlorhexidine acetate in chlorhexidine acetate gargle by UV spectrophotometer .