
kù xíng
  • cruel torture;cruel punishment;excruciation;savage torture;brutal corporal punishment
酷刑 [kù xíng]
  • [cruel punishment;torture] 残酷的刑罚

酷刑[kù xíng]
  1. 刑讯逼供是我国酷刑行为的典型存在方式,所以,遏制刑讯逼供是消除酷刑的关键环节。

    Subjecting to torture is a typical example of cruel torture in China . Therefore , the key step to get rid of cruel torture is to control subjecting to torture .

  2. 清官既然是统治者的需要,他也会表现为封建文化本身的缺陷,如靠直觉判案,运用酷刑维持风化等行为。

    On the other hand , since upright officials are needed by the feudal rulers , they will inevitably have some faults of the feudal culture in themselves , such as judging cases according to intuition and maintaining the social morals by cruel torture .

  3. 反叛者中许多人被捕并遭受到秘密警察的酷刑。

    Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police .

  4. 他受不住酷刑被迫向他们供出了情报。

    He was tortured into giving them the information .

  5. 被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。

    The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture

  6. 那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。

    It says torture and summary execution are common

  7. 报告说酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。

    The report says torture was widespread , as were extra-judicial executions by government troops .

  8. 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈。

    Through those long years of imprisonment and torture , he remained faithful and unyielding .

  9. 关于反动政府监狱里酷刑情况的介绍听了会叫人毛骨悚然。

    Accounts of cruel tortures in the jails of the reactionary government would curl one 's hair .

  10. 卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑

    Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her .

  11. 约翰·索尔斯(JohnSawers)借此机会表明了军情六处对酷刑的态度。

    John Sawers took the opportunity to outline his agency 's attitude to torture .

  12. 酷刑总统小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)在任期内对美国的影响力和声望造成大规模破坏时,我就是这么想的。

    What I think of as the torture presidency of George W. Bush inflicted massive damage on US influence and prestige .

  13. 可是罗宾斯恰恰就在Twitter上,嗟叹着现代航空地狱可能出现的另一种磨人酷刑:乘客打电话。

    But there he was on Twitter , lamenting the prospect of yet another torment in the hell of modern air travel : people talking on cellphones .

  14. 施酷刑可怕的刑讯工具西服;西装;套装公务装一套细条纹西装一套两件/三件式西装(用于所言不包括的人或事物前)除…之外同义词:apartfrom我们除星期天外每天都工作。

    the use of torture terrible instruments of torture a business suit a pinstripe suit a two - / three-piece suit ( = of two / three pieces of clothing ) We work every day except Sunday .

  15. 所以,现在的巴里曼尼洛已经加入了“音乐酷刑”俱乐部,我们认为我们希望目前排在前十位的酷刑Tunes的推广。

    So now that Barry Manilow has joined the " Music as Torture " club , we thought we 'd present the Top10 List of Torture Tunes .

  16. 关于“强化审讯”(enhancedinterrogation)的问题,一些批评人士声称这相当于酷刑,除了国会议员保罗和前新墨西哥州州长约翰逊(GaryJohnson)之外,所有候选人都表示他们支持在某些情况下使用强化审讯。

    On the question of enhanced interrogation , which some critics say torture , all the candidates said they supported its use in some s except for Congressman Paul and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson .

  17. 他说,近年来,声称MI6合谋使用酷刑的指控伤害了该机构的声誉。

    He said allegations that MI6 were complicit in torture have hurt the agency 's reputation in recent years .

  18. 几个世纪以来,人们已在莫斯科地下藏了不少东西:拜占庭图书馆(Byzantinelibraries)、伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)的秘密酷刑室和凯瑟琳大帝(CatherinetheGreat)的地下通道网,所以斯大林也想加入他们的行列也就不足为奇了。

    People have been hiding things beneath Moscow for centuries : Byzantine libraries , Ivan the Terrible 's secret torture chamber , and Catherine the Great 's underground canal network . So it 's unsurprising that Stalin got in on the action .

  19. 英国情报机构长官约翰·索尔斯(JohnSawers)表示,酷刑是“非常可憎的”,英国与此绝对没有关系。

    Britain 's Chief Spy in First Public Address The head of Britain 's Secret Service , John Sawers , said torture is " abhorrent " and Britain has nothing to do with it .

  20. 当美国陆军于2006年发表其最新情报人员操作手册时,情报处副参谋长约翰金蒙斯将军(GeneralJohnKimmons,)矢口否认酷刑有效:严刑逼供得不到任何有用的情报。

    When the US army published its latest manual for intelligence staff in 2006 , General John Kimmons , the deputy chief of staff for intelligence , flatly denied torture worked : No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices .

  21. Hurle还说,尽管MI6并没有实施酷刑,该机构也并不一定是清白的。

    Cooke-Hurle also said that although MI6 does not itself carry out torture , the agency 's hands are not necessarily clean .

  22. 象Prolixin这种药被服用者描述成“纯粹的酷刑”和“变成行尸走肉”。

    Drugs like Prolixin are described by users as " sheer torture " and " becoming a zombie " .

  23. 从野蛮到文明:《反对酷刑公约》的机理与要求

    From Brutality to Civilization : The Mechanism and Requirement of UNCAT

  24. 因此不存在引渡导致酷刑的问题。

    Therefore , extradition leading to torture is a false issue .

  25. 这看起来活像是原始的酷刑。

    It looks like some kind of primitive form of torture .

  26. 反酷刑的国际共识与中国构想

    The International Common Understanding of the Anti-crucifixion and Designing in China

  27. 死刑是酷刑,适用应当慎重。

    The death penalty is torture , should be applied carefully .

  28. 如果我被用酷刑,我会坦白承认任何事。

    If I were tortured , I 'd confess to anything .

  29. 他的父母是被封建领主的酷刑折磨而死的。

    His parents died from tortures inflicted by their feudal lords .

  30. 宙斯判他三万年这样的酷刑。

    His period of ordeal was to be thirty thousand years .