
  1. 俄国酒精工业某些方面的技术水平处于世界领先的地位。

    Russian alcohol industry is on the leading point in the world .

  2. 世界燃料酒精工业发展现状与展望

    Present Development Status and Forecast of Fuel Alcohol Industry in the World

  3. 固定化酵母流化床生物反应器生产酒精工业性系统的设计

    Design for the Ethanol Production System with Fixed-yeast Biological Reactor

  4. 应用浓醪发酵技术,推动酒精工业节能及清洁生产

    Application of High-concentration Mash Fermentation Techniques to Advance Energy-saving & Cleaning Alcohol Production

  5. 酒精工业中的新型酶制剂及其应用技术

    New Enzyme and Application Technology for Ethanol Industry

  6. 但令人非常惊奇的,他们同样拒绝给予酒精工业更多补贴的机会。

    Surprisingly , they also passed up the opportunity to lavish more subsidies on ethanol .

  7. 纤维素酶在酒精工业中的应用进展

    Utilization Progress of Cellulase in Alcohol Industry

  8. 固定化双功能酵母基因工程菌在酒精工业生产中的应用

    Application of Immobilized " Double Functions " Genetic Engineering Yeast in the Production of Alcohol

  9. 美国的燃料酒精工业

    American Fuel Ethanol Industry

  10. 糖化酵母在酒精工业中应用的研究(Ⅱ)&原生质体融合构建能分解淀粉的高温酒精酵母

    The study and application of Saccharomyces diastaticus (ⅱ) & construction of amylolytic distiller 's yeast by Protoplast Fusion

  11. 根据某个叙述,它来源于古老的西方,当零规则的酒精工业惯常的售卖自行调制的假酒,有时酒太烈,失明的人接踵而至。

    According to one account , it comes from the Old West , when the zero-regulation alcohol industry would routinely sell dodgy concoctions .

  12. 杂醇油利用菌的发现与分离,为酒精工业降低杂醇油提供了新方法。

    The discovery and separation of fusel oil using strain , which provides a new method for reducing fusel oil content in alcohol industry ;

  13. 本文介绍了燃料酒精工业发展的最新动态,并对多种产乙醇重组肠道细菌的研究进展作了综述。

    The recent development of fuel ethanol industry was introduced in this paper and the research progress of various ethanologenic recombinant enteric bacteria was reviewed .

  14. 应用He-Ne激光的不同剂量辐照处理甘蔗糖蜜酒精工业生产用酿酒酵母菌来研究He-Ne激光对酿酒酵母菌的生物效应。

    This paper deals with the biological effects on the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae AS 2 . 1189 irradiated by He - Ne laser in different amount of irradiation dosages .

  15. 纤维素酶应用于发酵酒精工业可提高燃料酒精和白酒的出酒率、原料的利用率、缩短发酵时间。

    The utilization of cellulase in alcohol fermentation industry could evidently increase liquor yield and fuel alcohol yield , enhance the use rate of raw materials , and shorten fermentation time .

  16. 目前我国酒精工业生产形式不容乐观,酒精生产成本高,效率低,酒精市场萎缩。

    At present , the status of producing the alcohol is not optimistic in our country . For the alcohol industry , the cost is high , but the productiveness is very low , and the market is shrinking .

  17. 酵母是酒精工业的灵魂,在酵母细胞中构建淀粉代谢途径和纤维素代谢途径,部分替代木薯酒精生产过程外源酶制剂的功能,就可节省酶制剂,同时提高淀粉转化率和酒精产率,降低成本。

    Yeast is the " soul " in the ethanol industries . If constructing new metabolic pathways of starch and cellulose in yeast cells to partial substitution the function of exogenous enzymes in cassava ethanol production , then exogenous enzymes would be saved .

  18. 细菌发酵生产酒精之工业应用前景探索

    Exploration on the industrial application of Zymomonas mobilis for alcohol production

  19. 城市剩余污泥和当地酒精厂工业废料酒精糟液共厌氧达到了废物利用的功效,为城市剩余污泥的工业化应用提供了依据。

    The co-digestion on WAS and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste , which provided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobic digestion on WAS .

  20. 这些酒精是供工业用的。

    The alcohol is industrial .

  21. 上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)这种工艺已广泛应用于食品、酒精及其它工业废水。

    The technology of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed ( UASB ) has been applied widely to foodstuff , alcohol and other types of wastewater .

  22. 高纯度酒精在酿酒工业上应用较广,如可用来生产俄得克,纯净白酒和作液态法白酒,果、露酒的优良酒基及用来提高酒质的修饰、补充物。

    It could be used in the production of Vodka , pure liquor , new technological liquor , as high grade substratum of liqueur and fruit wine , for liquor quality improvement , and as ornamental and supplementary material .

  23. 糖蜜酒精废液是制糖工业中最重要的污染源。

    Molasses alcohol wastewater is the most important source of pollution in sugar-making industry .

  24. 淀粉酶广泛应用于淀粉糖生产、面包烘焙等食品工业,酒精酿造等发酵工业,以及洗涤剂、纺织、制药等工业。

    Amylase is widely used in starch sugar production , bread baking and food industry , alcohol brewing and fermentation industry , as well as detergent , textile , pharmaceutical and other industries .

  25. 玉米酒精糟是玉米酒精工业的主要副产物。

    Corn distillers dried grains with solubles is the main by-product of the corn-based alcohol industry .

  26. 目前,酿酒活性干酵母广泛应用于酿酒工业和酒精的浓醪发酵以及燃料酒精工业。

    Up to the present , active dry yeast has been widely in liquor-making industry , high gravity fermentation , and fuel alcohol industry .

  27. 抗战时期的四川酒精业发展过程可分为两个时期:1938年9月至1943年底,为四川酒精工业的兴起与繁盛时期;

    During the war , the development of alcohol industry in Sichuan can be divided into two periods : from September in 1938 to the end of 1943 is the prosperity period ;

  28. 新型酶制剂在酒精生产中的应用改善了酒精生产的工艺,提高了原料的利用率。随着科技的发展,越来越多的新型酶制剂将会应用到酒精工业中。

    Application of new enzymes boost the advancement of alcohol production using starchy raw materials , improving the technology of alcohol process and conversion .