
  1. 由于塔塔汽车配股的认购不足,塔塔集团只得将旗下塔塔咨询服务有限公司(TataConsultancyServicesLtd。)的一部分股份套现以购入配售股份。

    The group plugged a shortfall in Tata Motors'rights issue last month by selling a stake in outsourcing arm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

  2. aquila表示,向宝钢股份配售股份所得将用于加快矿业资产的开发。

    Aquila said proceeds of the share placement to Baosteel would allow it to accelerate the development of its mining assets .

  3. 配售股份在上市初限售,减少了新股对市场的供应,一定程度上加强了新股抑价。

    Placing restrictions on sale of shares in the market early , reducing the supply of new shares on the market , to a certain extent strengthened the under-pricing of new shares .

  4. 他们宣称,这种交易模式表明,在新股发行前,热切希望配售股份获得认购的券商,就已经将消息泄露给对冲基金(其中许多基金总部位于海外)。

    They claim that the pattern of trading suggests hedge funds , many of which are based offshore , have been tipped off before new share issues by brokers keen to ensure the shares get taken up in the allocations .

  5. 他还提到了一家公开上市的中国物流企业的例子:该企业宣布,它打算向自己未上市的母公司配售大量股份,以此来筹集资本。

    He pointed to the example of a publicly listed Chinese logistics company with a non-listed parent that announced its intention to raise capital by giving a big allocation to the parent .

  6. 原股东之一britishland决定不参与本次全数承销的配售,其股份将因此面临严重稀释。

    British land , also one of the original shareholders , faces significant dilution having opted not to take part in the fully underwritten placing .