
  1. 随着2009年12月国务院正式批复《鄱阳湖生态经济区规划》,江西省在新中国成立以来迎来了首个国家发展战略。

    After State Council approved " The Planning of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone ", it is the first national development strategy for Jiangxi Province since the founding of new China .

  2. 随着鄱阳湖生态经济区规划的正式实施,鄱阳湖的发展愈发受到社会各界的关注,同时也为社会各界对鄱阳湖的发展研究创造了良好氛围。

    With the enforcement of the ecological planning of Poyang Lake region , Poyang Lake is getting increasing attention from all social sectors , which creates a favorable environment for the study of the Poyang Lake development .

  3. 2009年12月12日,《鄱阳湖生态经济区规划》被国务院批复,也标志了其正式上升为国家战略。

    As the " Poyang eco-economic region planning " had been replied officially by state council on December 12 in 2009 , it marks that the construction in Poyang Lake Area has stepped to be the national strategy for regional development programming .