
  • 网络Poyang;poyang county
  1. 2001~2003年鄱阳县急性血吸虫病分析

    Analysis of acute schistosomiasis in Poyang county , 2001-2003

  2. 犀利哥的真名叫程国荣,34岁,来自江西省鄱阳县。

    He is Cheng Guorong , 34 , from Poyang County of Jiangxi Province .

  3. 农村中职免费政策对农村初中毕业生教育偏好的影响&以江西省鄱阳县为例的调查研究

    Free vocational education and influences upon the rural junior high school graduates in education inclination & A case study of Poyang county of Jiangxi province