
  1. 去年鄂尔多斯开幕站的冠军得主江腾一在本赛季中不幸遇到两起意外,导致在天马山站和成都站两次市区到手的冠军。

    Jiang Tengyi , who won the inaugurate Ordos race last year , suffered two unfortunate incidences this season costing him two wins in TMS and Chengdu .

  2. 为探讨未来降雨变化对半干旱气候区毛乌素沙地常绿优势灌木沙地柏(Sabinavulgaris)实生苗水分和生长特征的可能影响,在鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态站开展了模拟降雨变化的实验。

    The potential effects of future rainfall change on hydraulic and growth characteristics of seedlings of Sabina vulgaris , a dominant evergreen shrub of the semi-arid Mu Us sandy desert were examined in a controlled experiment simulating rainfall change conducted at the Ordos Grassland Ecological Station .

  3. 鄂尔多斯沙地草地实验站生态制图系统的建立及应用

    The establishment and application of the ecological mapping system of the Ordos grassland station