
  1. 男士都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。

    The men all wore top hat and tails .

  2. 太阳升起时,他看到别的一些船只都头朝着海岸,在海上看来海岸象是一条接近地平线的绿带子。

    As the sun rose he saw other boats in toward shore , which was only a low green line on the sea .

  3. 三位使者从奥林匹亚的宙斯神庙出发,去邀请希腊人参加运动会。每个使者都头戴橄榄枝叶编成的花冠,手持燃烧的火把。

    From the temple of the great god Zeus at olympia , three heralds are setting forth to invite Greek men to the games , each Herald wears a crown of olive leaves and each carries a flaming torch .

  4. 不一会儿她又开始说,“不知道我会不会一直掉下去,穿越地球呢!出来的时候,看到身边的人都头朝下倒着走路,那该有多可笑呀!讨厌的家伙们,我想--”

    Presently she began again . " I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth ! How funny it 'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward ! ? The Antipathies , I think - "

  5. 威伯停下来,听了听。别的动物都抬起头瞪向他。

    Wilbur paused and listened . All the other animals lifted their heads and stared at him .

  6. 无论是有较大的声响还是异乎寻常的动静,所有人都抬起头来,目光越过隔间的隔板,想看看发生了什么。

    Whenever there 's a loud sound or other unusual occurrence2 , everyone pops up to look over the walls to see what 's happening .

  7. 民国政府成立以后,要求全国人民都剪掉头上的辫子(queues),选择自己喜欢的发型。

    After its foundation , the government of Republic of China had required the citizens to cut off their queues and make the haircut they liked .

  8. 谷歌和AppNexus都一头扎进了这一领域,但两者的道路自然不太一样。

    Google and appnexus both plunged into that space but , unsurprisingly , their paths have not been so similar .

  9. 她们都抬起头往远处看了看。

    They all raised their heads and gazed into the distance .

  10. 他们跳舞时全部都在头上挥舞着手臂。唐太斯抓起长凳子,在他的头上挥舞着。

    They danced all together with their arms dangled above their heads .

  11. 这些都是头该考虑的问题

    These are things a leader has to think of .

  12. 我们买衣服,每一个人都剪头。

    We also buy clothes and everyone has a haircut .

  13. 她风风火火地走进房间时每个人都抬起头看着她。

    Everyone looked up as she swept into the room .

  14. 他们都是头一次开始努力享受美好生活。

    They are trying to experience the good life for the first time .

  15. 每一只蝌蚪都抬起头看着张操志。

    They lifted their heads to look at zhang .

  16. 我们都抬起头,看着阴森森的天际。

    We all looked up at the glowering sky .

  17. 当老太太进入他们的办公室时,黛比和西蒙都抬起头来看了看。

    Debbie and Simon looked up as an old lady entered their office .

  18. 每位测试飞行员都是头戴配有着很多脑电图传感器的白色无边头盔。

    Each test pilot wore a white skullcap loaded with dozens of electroencephalography sensors .

  19. 她们走过彼此身边的时候,都抬起头来看。

    As they pass , they look up .

  20. 突然传来一阵猛烈的撞门声和响亮的脚步声,房间里的三个人都抬起头来。

    A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the three of them look up .

  21. 不管是少年人还是猫,在你叫他们名字的时候,都是头也不回的。

    Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name .

  22. 我认识一个每天都乘头班火车进城的通勤者。

    I know a commuter who ride in town on the first train every morning .

  23. 他们都点点头以示晚安告别。

    They all nodded a final good-night .

  24. 由于本研究中不是所有患者都佩戴头帽和橡皮筋,所以只分析前3项。

    Because of not all patients wear head cap or elastics , we analysis the first three parts .

  25. 哈利的双脚停止了跳舞,马尔福也不再狂笑,他们俩总算都抬起头来。

    Harry 's feet stopped dancing , Malfoy stopped laughing , and they were able to look up .

  26. 所有人都抬起头,以为会有坏消息,结果并没有,于是人们开始猜测这位机长到底是谁。

    Everyone looked up , expecting bad news , and when there was none , the talk turned to wondering who this captain was .

  27. 在蓝牙无线通信中,凡是支持语音功能的应用都推崇头戴式耳机。

    All the application supporting the audio transmission recommend the Headset profile , which has been widely used in both of stationary telephones and mobile telephones .

  28. 他沉思不语,大家都侧头倾听,他终于说,我会做一件不同的事,我每晚都会在床上打滚

    And he thought , everybody is like leaning forward Then he says ," one thing I 'd done differently I would flounce every night . "

  29. 李达、王定南一到那里,看见所有的汽车、马车都是头向南,准备撤退的。

    When Li Da and Wang Dingnan got to Matou , they found all the motor vehicles and horse-drawn carriages facing south , ready to beat a retreat .

  30. 每个由新鲜沙丁鱼做的鱼饵都是头朝下的,钓钩的钩身穿进小鱼的身子,扎好,缝牢,钓钩的所有突出部分,弯钩和尖端,都给包在鱼肉里。

    Each bait hung head down with the shank of the hook inside the bait fish , tied and sewed solid and all the projecting part of the hook , the curve and the point , was covered with fresh sardines .