
  1. 郭璞游仙诗中的山水情怀对后世诗歌的影响,特别兴起山水诗的发展。

    Especially , the rise of the development of landscape poetry .

  2. 中古文学审美趣味的时代特征与个性特征&《诗品中·晋弘农太守郭璞》条含义发微

    Time Feature and Individual Feature of Aesthetic Interest in Medieval Literature

  3. 论郭璞游仙诗在李贺笔下的继承与发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of GUO Pu 's Immortal Poems Under LI He 's Description

  4. 西晋郭璞认为他是一部可信的地理文献。

    Western Han Dynasty Liu Hsin regarded shanhaiching as a geography book in table on the shanhaiching .

  5. 本文揭示了反训说自身存在的问题,进而通过对郭璞所针对的训释材料及郭璞在注释中阐明的观点的分析,指出反训是对郭璞原意的误会和曲解。

    This paper discloses the problems of " antonymous defining ", analyses the text and the point of view of GUO Pu in his annotation , and concludes that it is a misunderstanding of GUO Pu 's view .