
bù shǔ
  • subordinate;follower;troops under one's command
部属 [bù shǔ]
  • [subordinate;follower;troops under one's command] 部下;下属

部属[bù shǔ]
  1. 加强对部属高校成人高等教育和继续教育的管理工作。

    Strengthen the subordinate adult education and continuing education management .

  2. 我国高校有中央部属与地方所属之分。

    Chinese universities are divided into central subordinate ones and local ones .

  3. RationalClearQuest环境的管理员,除了要执行预安装配置任务,一般还要对部属和环境的规划负责。

    Administrators of Rational ClearQuest environments are typically responsible for planning the deployment and environment in addition to performing any preinstallation configuration tasks .

  4. 设计元数据是为了让开发工具创建部属企业Bean的应用程序,让客户端使用脚本语言访问企业Bean。

    The meta-data is intended for development tools used for building applications that use deployed enterprise Beans , and for clients using a scripting language to access the enterprise Bean .

  5. 这就简化了团队对ClearQuestBridge的采用,因为可以使用记录连接,而不再需要对部属到企业间产品的ClearQuest方案作出更改。

    This simplifies team adoption of the ClearQuest Bridge , because the record linking can be used without any changes to the ClearQuest schema deployed to production across the enterprise .

  6. 领导-部属交换(lmx)的回顾与展望领导-部属交换对领导和部属工作结果的双向影响机制

    Dual Mechanism of the Effects of Leader-member Exchange on both Leaders and Subordinates ' Work-related Outcomes

  7. 公爵及其部属以武力反抗国王。

    The Duke and his man arrayed themselves against the king .

  8. 然而除了他自己的部属以外,寥寥无几。

    But for his own men , they were few enough .

  9. 他让老部属全副武装出动。

    He 's got his old crew suited and booted .

  10. 东北部属丘陵地带,河流两岸地势平缓。

    Northeast subordinates hills , rivers , the two sides flat terrain .

  11. 那个军官非常顽固,但对其部属却很体贴。

    The officer died hard but he was considerate of his subordinates .

  12. 部属必须无条件服从主管的领导。

    Followers are expected to obey their leaders without question .

  13. 领导&部属交换与上下属信任交互发展模型

    The Reciprocal Development Model of Leader-member Exchange and Trust in Supervisor-Subordinate Dyad

  14. 他向来不以严厉的手段处置部属。

    He used not to carry a severe hand over his subordinates .

  15. 让企业改善组织管理,学习如何有效激励部属。

    Assist enterprise to optimize organization management and learn how to motivate staff .

  16. 指使部属违反职责罪探究

    On Crime of Instigating His Subordinates to Act in Transgression of Their Duties

  17. 属于参谋本部的军官指挥官重新集结其部属。

    An officer attached to the General Staff The leader rallied his men .

  18. 领导&部属交换对授权赋能领导行为影响

    The Moderating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on the Results of Empowering Leadership Behaviors

  19. 没有任何管理阶层会因为他的部属太强且太有效率而受苦。

    No executive has ever suffered because his subordinates were strong and effective .

  20. 国家发展部属下组织及法定机构

    Organisations and statutory boards under Ministry of national development

  21. 美国现在正处于它的最终人机交互界面的部属中。

    The United States now has at its disposal the ultimate human-computer interface .

  22. 你是否认为管理人员有权力命令他们的部属?

    Do you believe that managers should have authority to command their subordinates ?

  23. 仍不见贾上尉的部属来。

    Still no sign of captain cargill 's command .

  24. 企业内需要培训部属的各部门主管、经理及企业内训讲师。

    Managers , supervisors who need to train their subordinates and internal trainers .

  25. 他老是在斥责部属。

    He is always snapping at his subordinates .

  26. 如果可以避免的话,最好不要略过或藐视你的部属。

    Do not short-circuit or override your subordinates if you can possibly avoid it .

  27. 66问:以前的同事或部属如何描述你的领导风格?

    Q : How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style ?

  28. 领导&部属交换关系与责任归因研究

    A Study on Leader-member Exchange and Responsibility Attribution

  29. 他对部属极为专横。

    He is utterly despotic to his subordinates .

  30. 经理对他的部属很友好。

    The manager is friendly with his inferiors .